Chapter 32: Progress

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Chapter 32:

Entry 6:

Yes, I haven't written in a week, but it's not my fault that I lost this stupid notebook.

Okay maybe it kind of is my fault. But then again this looks like one of my old school notebooks, filled with stupid notes about history and math equations. Seriously, I never take a second look at those. So I just thought this was one of my old notebooks. I had transferred all my stuff from my old bedroom at my parents' to Niall's...well most of it anyways. 

I don't know why I brought my notebooks, but I figured I'd trash them of course, I nearly trashed this one. I'm so smart aren't I? I'm basically genius. Luckily, I wanted to see how bad my handwriting actually was so I flipped through them all...and then that's when I found out that I misplaced this notebook.

But this isn't really what this notebook is for- telling my life story to my future self. I wonder what my future self will think of me right now. She'll probably think I'm a stupid little teenager that has no idea what to do with her life, but then again, it's partially true. I have yet to know what I want to do with my life. I have yet to figure out what I really want to do. I have yet to figure out who I am.

Maybe I should just write a book. Actually...that's not a bad idea.

Anyways, the boys of One Direction (not including Niall I mean) have left Mullingar along with all their girlfriends. I understand that they have their own lives, but I can't help but feel a little lonely. The only company I have is my now fourteen year old younger brother and a boy in a deep coma. I still visit him as much as I can.

Seriously, the nurses bring me lunch sometimes when I refuse to leave. They let me leave at my own time, except when it's nearing the later hours. That's when they basically shove me out of the room. Nice group of women they are.

Just kidding.

Well there's no update on Niall right now. From what I know, he's as stable as he could ever be. The doctor says that it could be a month or maybe two before he could possibly wake up. Why can't it be sooner?

Until next time...

-Cassandra Rivera

Entry 7:

YES I LOST MY NOTEBOOK AGAIN! DON'T JUDGE ME. So yes, it's been another week and a half since I've written, but in my defense, I just thought I left it in Niall's hospital room. But when I looked, it wasn't there. 

I just gave up and assumed that I had lost it once more. But I guess I knew that I'd eventually find it. So get this- I left my notebook inside my freezer by accident and my ice cream that I was supposed to place inside the freezer was lying on one of the shelves of the book shelf.

Stupid Cassy.

And then I had to trash my ice cream, which made me actually really sad. I was hoping it'd last longer than it did. What I was also depressed about was actually having to pay another visit to the grocery store. The only two places I really went were the hospital and Niall's flat. If I wanted food, I'd eat the nasty hospital cafeteria food and pizza for dinner, maybe Chinese as well. But sometimes, if Mom was in a good mood, she'd drop off some leftovers from her dinner.

Our relationship was slowly mending as the days wore on. One day at a time really. 

Anyways, I had to wait until my notebook actually thawed out and some of the pages are kind of wet...So this entry explains the wet spots everywhere. 

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