Chapter 16: You Like-Love Him

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Chapter 16:

"Hey Cass." Niall said as I heard him enter the flat. He had left earlier this morning when I was most likely in a starfish position on my bed and drooling on the pillow. All I got when I woke up was a messily written post-it note stuck to my forehead. 

"Hey Ni." I replied. I was too lazy to turn around and look at him because it was Saturday and I considered Saturdays to be my official lazy day to not get out of the flat. That was the reason my hair was in a high pony tail, I had no makeup on, and I was still in my pajamas which included shorts and one of Niall's t-shirts that I had taken from him. 

"Hey Gassy." I heard. I now had a reason to interrupt my Saturday lazy day. This time, I made an effort to turn around. I saw Macy standing there and shrugging off her coat. Her blonde hair was curled to perfection and her makeup was neatly done. Long story short, I looked like a bum and she looked...still like a Barbie, but at least she was presentable. 

"Hi Macy." I muttered. "Ni, I think I'm going to go out today."

Niall looked surprised. "You always stay in on Saturdays though!"

"Maybe it's time for a change." I shrugged. Or maybe it's time you break up with the bitch. "Nice seeing you Macy. Excuse me while I change."

I grunted and eased myself off the couch, which I had been on for the past couple of hours. I grabbed my phone, which only had half the battery left, and headed towards my bedroom. 

After showering, I called up Breanna to take me away from Macy for the day. I was in no mood to put up with her since she already ruined my favorite day of the week. Bitch. 

As I changed into a more presentable outfit, I heard Macy and Niall giggling outside. It was like a stab at the heart, stomach, and head all together. I couldn't even bear seeing them together, but hearing them together...

Breanna texted me that was outside of the complex so I rushed to get my necessities and headed out the door. From the corner of my eyes as I left, all I saw was Niall and Macy on the couch where I was moments before. 

Instead though, she was straddling him.

Must. Clear. Image. Out. 

I shook my head in disgust as I muttered a curt goodbye. I practically slammed the door behind me and hoped they'd hear and snap out of their little trance. 

Breanna was right outside the door, but I didn't know. That was the reason I almost slammed the door at her as I stormed out. "Someone's not in a good mood." Breanna pointed out as we walked to her car. She cracked a smile as she saw me roll my eyes. "Let me guess...Hm the bitch? I mean Macy?"

"Good job. You guessed it right." I huffed as I slumped into the passenger seat. "I needed to get out of their. The next thing I know, they could be having sex across the hall and I don't wanna be there for that."

Breanna laughed and turned on the radio as she started the engine. "Honey, you sound like a bit jealous if you ask me."

"I didn't ask you." I pointed out. 

"Point taken. But come on. You're jealous that he's with it." 

"" I questioned. 

"Macy's not worthy of being called a normal girl. She's" Breanna said 'it' as if it was bitter to the tongue. 

I chuckled. "So what were your plans before I dragged you out to take me away?" I asked. Truthfully, I felt a bit bad dragging Breanna into my problems. They were mine and I should be able to deal with them. It was my fault that I couldn't drive...but cars have been a fear of mine. I can sit in them but once my hands touch the wheel, I fear that I will either kill myself or someone who's in the car with me. A car crash doesn't disappear from your memory too quickly. Unless amnesia was involved, but last time I checked I remembered everything. 

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