Chapter 26: The Confession

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Chapter 26:

I dropped my keys down on the ground and kicked the door closed with the heel of my foot. There was no way I was going to make two trips just to get groceries out of the car. What was the point in that when I could carry all my groceries up quite easily? Well...not so easily with five heavy plastic bags on each arm, almost breaking and falling to the ground.

I swore if my eggs broke and I couldn't make scrambled eggs tomorrow, I'd be more than pissed. I made it to the kitchen and sighed as I set everything down on the counter. So yes, maybe I overshopped just a little bit and maybe yes, some things I bought weren't exactly all that necessary, but I got a little carried away.

I started to put items away, starting first with the many pints of ice cream I had bought that I knew were slowly melting. I grabbed them all, putting them in the freezer so I could some after dinner. Maybe it would be vanilla tonight, or chocolate, or strawberry, but rocky road sounded pretty good as well.

Then all the refridgerated items went inside the fridge, starting with my eggs so I knew that for a fact that I'd have a decent breakfast tomorrow. I had already gotten sick of dry cereal because I had gotten too lazy to go get some milk, which I had gotten. I put the milk in next and some other essentials, like some cheese and ham so I could make a sandwich, butter because I ran out, and then some romane lettuce so I could make myself salad.

Because I was going healthy.

Who was I really kidding? Whenever I ate salad, it was always caesar salad, drenched in dressing and cheese and croutons.

Maybe it was time to start looking into a gym...

I turned on my phone and played it on shuffle as I danced around the kitchen, putting up the groceries. It was one of my favorite songs that played, Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. I didn't know why, but I had somehow gotten addicted to the song recently.

Sometimes, I'd skip all songs on shuffle until I got to this one.

No one else was around me so I started belting out the tune loudly, the neighbors would have to deal with my terrible singing voice.

"Woooooaaaaaaaaahhhhh!" I ended up gigglings as I sang. "I'm waking up to ash and dust, I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust, I'm breathing in the chemicals!"

As I sang along with my iPhone, I put up everything, including all the snacks I bought which were now stored in the pantry. I'd probably have to make another trip to the grocery store next week...but if I was too lazy I'd probably just order some pizza and call that grocery shopping.

I wasn't much of a big fan of going out. I preferred staying back at home, eating what I made or could make. Even as I child I was like this. I used to use the excuse of having a headache to keep myself at home. Only when Niall and I started dating would I go out because then there was a good reason for me to.

Not that I hated going out with my family or anything. I just spent the whole day with them all the time and I just wanted some time of solitary peace where the whole house was quiet...and I could sing any song I wanted as loud as I wanted.

I shut the music off as I finished up and headed down towards the bathroom to take a shower. It was already nearing eight o' clock in the evening and I knew that I would never be able to fall asleep, knowing that I didn't take a shower the whole entire day.

I stripped off my clothes and turned the shower to a good warm temperature, learning what was hot as hell and cold as Anarctica. I stepped inside and did my routine of shampoo, conditioner, face wash, then body wash.

I stepped out and grabbed a towel off the towel warmer and sighed as I enveloped myself in its warmth. I looked into the mirror and started untangling my hair because my conditioner just didn't do it all. Halfway through brushing my hair, I heard a small noise from the other side of the door.

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