Chapter 8: The Day We Met

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Chapter 8:

We never got to duct tape Macy's mouth though. We came to the realization that Niall would eventually find out and he'd hate us both. 

Ha, just kidding. The real reason was because we went through Niall's whole flat to look for duct tape and we came out unsuccessful. Niall had come in for more popcorn when he asked what we were doing. Louis had to think of a quick excuse and his best was, "I was looking for some scissors to cut a string off my shirt..."

Niall's reply? He picked up a pair of scissors off the counter about a foot away from Louis and held it out to him. "You should really get your eyes checked."

Niall left and left Louis with a pair of scissors in his hands muttering that his vision was perfect. 

"I should head home." I told Niall once the horror movie ended. It left Macy in a shocked state. She was trembling like a cat that had just been dumped in a bucket of cold water. 

"I'll drive you." He said. 

"I'll call a cab." I replied. I reached for the door handle, but his hand stopped me. 

"I'll. Drive. You. Home."

"Sheesh, alright then. But what about Macy? And the boys?"

"Macy is a big girl. I think she can sit still for at least half an hour. She's staying at my place anyways. She should be going to bed soon." Niall shrugged. His flat only had one bedroom because the guest bedroom he had was yet to be filled with furniture. 

That meant Macy and Niall would be sleeping in the same bed. Together. I'd rather not think about that. 

"And the boys can drive themselves." Niall finished. 

"If you insist." I said slowly. 

"I insist." Niall said. "Now do you want to go home or not?"

I didn't want to go home, but..."Yeah. I want to go home." I answered. A weird look flashed across Nall's face that I couldn't decipher, but he opened the front door of his flat like a gentleman and let me go out first. 

"Hey boys, I'm taking Cass home! Try not to wreck the place if you're staying for a bit more or...Bye Macy!" Niall called. 

Right before Niall shut the door, Macy yanked the door open. "Babe! You can't leave me in the flat alone! Especially after that horrid movie too!" Macy whined. "Can't she walk home?"

"She lives ten minutes away. It would take her-"

"We'll stay with her until you come back." Liam offered. 

I saw Louis punch Liam's arm and the other guys getting on his case when Macy and Niall weren't looking. It was quite funny actually. 

"Why can't they take her home." Macy pouted. 

"Because they don't know where she lives." Niall replied to her like she was a little five year old kid. 

"That's what a GPS is for." Macy shot back. 

"I'd really like to just go home now so I'll be on my way." I said, not wanting to get involved in the fight that was just about to form. 

"I said I was taking you home." Niall said in a stern voice. "Macy, you're eighteen. Just go to bed and I'll see you before you know it."

"Fine. But I want a reward when you get back." She said as she fluttered her eyelashes. I didn't even want to think about what kind of reward she was thinking of. 

"Sure babe." Niall replied like it was nothing. He could probably afford a diamond ring if she asked, but I was pretty sure the reward she was asking for wasn't something you could buy with just money. 

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