Chapter 5: The Ride Home

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Chapter 5:

"I can't believe she beat me." Niall complained as I finished my last bite of garlic bread. Niall still had some spaghetti left and half of his bread. 

Greg still had half of his spaghetti left.

Macy barely touched her food.

"Sucks for you Niall." I laughed.

"I forgot that there's only one person that can beat Niall at a food eating competition." Maura laughed. "And that would be you Cassandra."

I laughed too. "It takes skill to beat Niall Horan."

"Babe, why haven't you eaten any of your food?" Niall asked Macy. She was using her fork to move around the food. 

" fattening." She crinkled her nose in disgust. I rolled my eyes. 

"Do what other people do Macy. Burn it off." I said. 

"Take your own advice Gassy." She shot back. 

I rolled my eyes and asked Maura, "Any seconds?"


"Bye Greg. Bye Maura. Nice seeing you two!" I said while exiting the house. Since Niall had brought be along with him, I had no choice but to accept that he had to drive me home.

Macy was upset that Niall was leaving her with his mother and brother. But Niall just told her to be patient and he would be back soon. That was kind of a translation to: Oh let me dump Cass at her house and I'll be back here to snog you.

I slid into the front seat of Niall's car and buckled my seatbelt. 

He began driving. "So what did you think of Macy?" He asked. 

"Oh she's nice." I lied. 

I mean she called me Gassy. 


I think I had a good reason not to like her. 

"Yeah, she's great." Niall smiled. Great? Let me vomit.

"I bet my mom hates you even more now." I laughed. 

"Yeah, I can't believe Sophie ever liked me." Niall sighed. "Everything's different now and I can't change it now can I?"

"What's done is done Niall. We've both moved on." Lies lies lies. 

I haven't moved on despite the fact that I kept telling myself to. 

It wasn't working. 

"I think my dad still likes you if that counts." I shrugged. "And Jonathan is actually a guy directioner no matter how many times he tries to deny it. I think it's only because you're in the band though." 

Niall laughed. "Can't believe he's already thirteen now! Teenager now eh?"

"Yeah." I chuckled. "The horomones are starting to kick in."

"So are you a directioner?" Niall asked. 

"I like the songs," I admitted, "but I'm not obsessed. I'm not one of your screaming fans that yell 'OMG NIALL'S VOICE SOUNDS LIKE SEX!'"

Niall laughed. "Good to know."

Niall pulled up at my house. The lights downstairs were all turned off, but there was a light on upstairs in Jonathan's room. The porch lights were still on which meant Dad probably turned them on for when I came home. Mom, I knew, was furious with me. Dad accepted the fact that I wasn't a little kid anymore, but I knew he missed my younger years. 

"Thanks Ni." I said. "It was great getting away from Mom."

"No problem Cass. We should hang out tomorrow. I'm gonna be leaving for London again soon." Niall said. 

"Sure thing." I said. Before I closed the car door, Niall reached over to grip my wrist and pull me slightly back in. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

I was glad it was dark because I could feel a blush rising into my cheeks. "Good night." I mumbled. I closed the car door and ran towards the front door. I didn't trip. Thank goodness. 

I lifted the welcome mat to reveal the key to the front door.

I unlocked the door and went in. After closing the door softly, I tiptoed upstairs. I reached for the doorknob to my room before I heard a sudden voice. "Hey Cassy." I jumped and clutched my chest. 

"Jonathan! You scared me!" I gasped. "What do you want brat?"

"Just wanted to know what you were doing with Niall, dummy." Jonathan asked. 

I sighed. This happened every time. "Did Mom make you ask me this?"

"Caught me Cass." Jonathan put his hands up in surrender. 

"Good night loser." I ruffled his dark hair before opening my bedroom door. 

"Night butthead." I heard him say. I chuckled before collapsing onto my bed. Stupid Macy. Stupid stupid stupid Macy. 

Soon they would both be gone and maybe they'd fade from my memory. Maybe I could forget about them both. 

Too bad Niall's face was plastered on every single damn magazine. 

I was gonna post this yesterday but I went to watch a tennis match instead. Oops! Well, here's the chapter! Thanks for the 1,000 reads!!! AHHH! I'm now writing a Zayn fan fiction called I'm Not Her. Uhhh...should start my homework...umm...don't forget to vote, comment, and fan me! Thanks again!


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