Chapter 35: Sorting It Out

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Chapter 35:

The drive from Niall's flat to Maura's house was dead silent. Greg had come by to pick us up since I couldn't drive and Niall was still a bit weak. Greg forced the both of us to sit in the back seat together, since there was a bunch of random junk in the passenger seat. We didn't attempt to talk, but only gave one worded answers when Greg asked a question. The maximum was five words towards Greg, but only Greg. He kept talking so he didn't really notice the tension that had arisen between Niall and I.

Good, he wouldn't question it. Surely, Maura would. She was an observant woman and would catch the tension the second we both walked through the door. 

Greg pulled up towards the house, which was brightly lit inside already. The curtains were drawn, but they were white so the light shone right through. Maura was already at the door, probably because she had heard Greg's car pull into the driveway..

She wore an apron on her body, and she was smiling happily as the three of us approached the house. Niall and I walked side by side, with Greg as the leader in front. Once we were in eye's sight though, Maura's face turned to a frown. She let it slide, for now anyways, and told us to wait in the living room until she was done with dinner.

Bobby, Niall's father, was sat in the living room with the TV turned on to some football game. He had his arms crossed behind his head, leaning back on the couch. Niall immediately took the seat beside his father, leaving me to sit at the armchair. 

"Do you want me to move so you can sit next to Cassy?" Bobby asked Niall, then looked over towards me and raised an eyebrow in questioning.

"No," Niall and I both responded.

"I'm okay Mr. Horan," I told him, not daring to look towards Niall.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No Dad, we're just both a little worn out from today. A lot has happened and I'm still feeling a little bit under the weather and Cass hasn't been getting a lot of sleep anyways," Niall lied. Yes, a lot had happened today but that had nothing to do with our behavior.

"Okay," Bobby let it slide, but I knew he didn't believe it. 

"Dinner's ready!" Maura called. Niall was the first to stand up, so quickly he almost knocked the remote out of Bobby's hand as he set it down on the coffee table. Niall didn't look at me and rushed towards the dinner table. Bobby looked at me, shrugged, and followed his son. I was the last to sit down, of course sitting right next to Niall.

"This looks delicious," I smiled towrads Maura. On the table was lasagna, then a large bowl of salad for the five of us to share. 

"I'm glad you like it," Maura grinned, "now dig in. I wanna finish this so we don't have any leftovers, but I guess that won't be a problem for you and Cassandra right?" This was pointed towards Niall, but he didn't look his mother in the eyes and merely shrugged.

"Is there something going on that I should know?" Maura questioned.

"That was what I was thinking," Bobby agreed.

"It's nothing," Niall snapped, "so can we please enjoy dinner?"

"Not with that attitude?" I muttered under my breath.

"What?" Niall said, looking over towards me.

"Nothing," I rolled my eyes.

"Well while the four of you are interrogating each other and mumbling all this nonsense, I'm gonna go ahead and eat," Greg said, reaching for the bowl of salad in front of me. I handed it to him instead, getting a thank you.

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