Chapter 40: All Settled In

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Chapter 40:

My first reaction to this girl walking in with Niall was:

She's pretty.

Then the second was:

She's not a slut like Macy.

Then the final and third thought was:

Holy shit this is so embarassing. Here I am moving in, and Niall has already moved on with a new girlfriend. Congrats Cassy, you're an absolute idiot. 

And I kinda was. I was truly an idiot, to think that after all that pain I put Niall through that he would just let me fall right back into his arms. I mean, my God, I pretty much fried his heart and when it mended, I shattered it, and when that pieced back together, I came again and stomped on it. Niall's heart had been through way too much pain.

Now he had another girl, a pretty one at that. She wasn't like Macy at all from what I could tell. She was smiling at me, widely. If she was his girlfriend, wouldn't she be furious that there was another girl in Niall's flat? I mean I would be having smoke coming out of my ears or something like that, but no. This girl was grinning at me. Dear God, was she as brain stupid as Macy too? I wanted the best for Niall, but he needed a girl who actually had a brain in her head. Macy's head was hollow. There was no brain in there. It was probably surgically removed when she was a baby or something and I doubted she even went to school. She probably didn't even know the name of the country she was living in. 

I was never a person to hate. I wasn't a hater, but Macy always drew a fine line with it. Just the thought of her made my blood boil. 


"Hey Ni..." I shifted from one foot to the other. This would end up being a really awkward conversation. Extremely awkward. I bet awkward wouldn't cover how awkward this would be. I mean here was this girl, a drop dead gorgeous girl, standing behind Niall.

"Oh my God! This is Cassandra?" the strange girl squealed. "Niall, you didn't tell me she would be here. How rude of you." she approached me and outstretched her hand. "Hello, I'm Bridget, and it's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

Now why would Niall tell his girlfriend about his...ex-girlfriend? And why would it be a pleasure to meet me? I was beyond confused by this point. "You've heard a lot about me?"

"Oh God yes! Niall won't stop talking about you!" Bridget explained. Now I was really really really confused. What the hell was with this girl? Did she not know how a relationship worked. When another girl was in your boyfriend's apartment and that girl was not related to him, then it was a problem. A big fat huge problem, unless the girl was lesbian, but I could assure Bridget that I was definitely and completely straight.

"Before you jump to conclusions-" Niall started to tell me.

"I think we can both agree that Niall is an idiot, right?" Bridget interrupted. "I mean clearly, he should've told me you were here in London, but he didn't. Idiot. Sometimes I really hate him."

"Okay, please, the both of you...please explain to me what's going on? I'm so confused. Ni- is this your girlfriend or something and why is she so happy about me being here? Oh God, I am beyond confused and my head hurts now," I sat down on the couch in the living room and pressed my hand to my head.

"Wait a second," Bridget said, "holy shit, she thinks we're dating. Ew that's absolutely sick. I can't believe you don't tell her about your family and everything."

"I told you that she didn't know about you! I didn't think she'd be here anyways...because I was sure that she was back in Mullingar and-"

"Wait a second- you two are family?" I questioned. Okay, now was the idiot, not Niall. I basically accused these two relatives that they were dating. The awkward tension in the room was skyrocketing.

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