Chapter 4: Is Dinner Ready Yet?

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Chapter 4:

Niall pulled up to a familiar house. It looked the same as it did when I last saw it, but the flowers in the front yard were multiplied. The tree in the front yard was larger, but overall, it was the same. 

Niall popped open the trunk and grabbed Macy's hot pink luggage. It was so bright, it made me want to tear my eyes out. 

Not that I would. 

Macy got out of the car in her four inch heels that made her even taller than Niall. She came up to me and said, "Thanks Gassy." She dropped her carry on luggage in my arms. 

Guess what color it was?

Hot frickin pink. 

Niall struggled with the luggage so I went to the doorbell and pressed it. Seconds later, I heard a deep voice yell, "Got it Mom!" 

The door opened revealing a person that I hadn't seen in a long time. Forgetting about Macy's stuff in my arms, I dropped it and threw my arms around his neck. "Missed ya Greg!" He stumbled back a few steps. When I dropped my arms from him, he looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Y-you're alive." He said. 

"Nah, I'm a ghost." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I'm here."

"Well that's great and all. I missed you Cassy!" He gave me a small kiss on the forehead. He moved his head to look over my shoulder. "Who's blondy?"

"Your brother." I laughed even though I already knew who he was talking about. 

"No," Greg laughed, "the one that looks like she's going to a club rather than to a house." 

"Oh that's Macy, Niall's girlfriend." I shrugged. 


"My reaction exactly." I said. Niall had gotten to the door and sweat had begun forming on his forehead. 

"Babe, what did you put in here?" Niall asked Macy who was walking up the cobblestone path to the door. She walked with her hands stretched out to keep her balance on those heels. 

"Just enough to last me a few days." Macy said, finally reaching the door after what seemed like decades. 

"Sheesh, what if she packs for a month?" Greg whispered so only I could hear. I laughed. Niall and Macy looked at me like I was crazy. 

"I bet Mom will be really happy to see you Cassy. She's missed you too." Greg said. I nodded. "She's in the kitchen." 

I practically knew this house like my own. When Niall and I used to date, we would always come back to his house mostly because he always had great desserts in store and his mom insisted we alway come back here. Niall and Greg's mother was like a mother to me. She loved me like a daughter. I loved her like a mother. 

Entering the kitchen, my nose picked up a delicious aroma. 

Niall and Greg's mother, Maura, was humming a tune as she stirred a pot at the stove. She was making her famous spaghetti sauce and I could smell her secret recipe of garlic bread already. 

"Hey Maura." I said. I could see her figure freeze and slowly turn around. A smile lit up her face. 

"Cassy!" She smiled. I came to her and gave her a hug. 

"Mm, when's dinner?"

"How did I know that this would be the first question you would ask me?" Maura asked. 

"Because you know me that well." I answered for her. 

Maura chuckled. "And who's this lovely young lady right here?" She asked gesturing towards Macy. Niall's arm was around her shoulders and she was inspecting her perfectly manicured nails. Niall nudged her. 

"What?" She snapped. 

"And you are?" Maura asked. 

"Macy Brooks." She shrugged. "Niall's girlfriend."

Maura looked at me then at Macy. I just shrugged. "I bumped into Niall at McDonald's in the early morning."

"Of course it was McDonald's." Greg laughed. "Only Niall would go there at that time of day!"

"Babe, if you keep eating McDonald's, you'll get fat." Macy scolded Niall. 

"Are you kidding me?" Greg crowed. "Cassy here eats McDonald's at least once a week if not twice and she keeps her body like a supermodel's!"

"Thanks for the compliment Greg, but supermodel is a bit too far." I punched his shoulder. I missed Greg a lot. I was used to having him around so when he disappeared from my life, it was hard for me to cope. He was like the big brother I never had. 

"McDonald's that much? I guess Gassy is a good nickname for you." Macy smirked. Although the statement hurt, I didn't let the smile on my face falter. Maura was in the room and I didn't want to let her see me get this angry. 

Plus, Niall had moved on. I wasn't his girlfriend anymore. I was merely a friend of his past. "So when will the food be ready?" I asked Maura once more. She turned her attention back to her pot of sauce and kept stirring. 

"Yeah Mom!" Niall said. He left Macy and came towards the pot where I was. He took a whiff and sighed. "This smells like heaven."

"How do you know what heaven smells like?" I smirked. 

"Because...because...Cass, just leave it!" Niall huffed and crossed his arms. 

"Can I have some garlic bread?" I asked. 

"No Cassy. You have to wait til we have dinner. Plus I have to make some more. I wasn't expecting you for sure! Or Macy."

"Dang it!" I pouted. 

"Some things never change." Greg said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Oh nothing..." 

Eventually, Greg, Macy, Niall, and I migrated to the living room so Maura could finish making dinner. "There's nothing on." Niall complained, flipping through the television. Greg and I sat next to each other on the couch and all that was left was an armchair that Niall sat it. Macy stood awkwardly. 

"Here babe, sit with me." Niall smiled. Macy nodded eagerly and sat on Niall's lap. Greg and I exchanged a glance. Niall turned his attention back to the television. 

"So erm...when did you..." Greg seemed uncomfortable as he tried to ask me a question. I already knew what he was trying to ask though. 

"A year later after the accident." I replied. 

"I stayed with Niall at the hospital for-"

"Eight months. I know." I said. I didn't look at Greg, but rather at the television that kept changing. 

"Just stop on one!" Macy groaned. 

"Fine." Niall said. 

Cooking show. 

"I can't watch this!" I said. 

"Why not?" Macy asked. 

"Because it'll just make me hungrier. Duh." I rolled my eyes. 

"Fatty." She said. Macy raised an eyebrow, challenging me. 

"Macy, that's rude!" Niall said. Macy just shrugged. 

"Oh it's fine Niall. No hard feelings." I said. Inside I was fuming though. 

"Dinner's ready!" Maura called. 

I was up and running towards the kitchen before Niall was. 

I got a bigger serving than Niall. 

Writing this chapter made me hungry since I haven't eaten in like 3 hours so I'm basically starving. I want foooooood. Anyways, I'm exhausted. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I should really eat dinner...OKAY BYES FOR NOW CAUSE I'M STARVING! Oh and don't forget to vote, comment, and fan moi! :) Okay...erm...okay...yeah. OH YEAH! MACY'S OUTFIT ON THE SIDE ----->

-Adriana needs to eat her frickin dinner

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