Chapter 2: Catching Up

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Chapter 2:

(Cassandra's P.O.V.)

Right before me was the boy that left me when I needed him most. He looked the same really. His teeth got fixed although I loved them before. His eyes were still bright blue and made you wanna swim in them. He looked older for sure. Three years did justice.

"Hey Ni." I said.

"Oh my god. Is that really you?" He asked. "Or am I seeing things? Oh god oh god oh god." He said more to himself than me. 

"It's me Niall. What on earth are you talking about?" I questioned.

"I-I thought you were gone Cass." He murmured. Niall reached over to take my hand in his, but I pulled back. 

"Gone? No, you left me." I angrily said. I thought he loved me and would wait. I knew I was out for a year, but he just left. 

Waking up and realizing my boyfriend was gone was heartbreaking. I locked myself in my room for three months before I could move on. Or try to at least.

"I didn't think you would make it Cass!" Niall said, his eyes watering, "It was eight months when I left. Almost a year." A tear left his eye. Niall quickly wiped it away. 

"And I woke up four months later. You weren't there." I said. I got up to throw away my food. I wasn't feeling too hungry anymore. 

Niall followed me as I walked out the door. "Cassandra wait!" He begged. 

I turned around to face him. "Happy birthday by the way Niall, but just go. Please." I said, sliding into my car. I started the engine and I could feel his eyes still on me. I drove away, but I could see his silhouette still standing outside. I didn't notice until I came home that I had been crying the whole car ride.

That night, I couldn't sleep. Images of Niall flashed before my mind. Our good times, our bad times. As much as I wanted to forget, I couldn't. When I woke up two years ago, I knew I could never forget him. I probably won't ever forget him. 


I woke up the next morning and stretched out my body. I glanced at the clock to see that it was already ten. I groaned and rolled out of bed and my body collided with the floor. I stood up and looked into the mirror. My dark brown hair was a tangled mess and my cheeks were still tear-stained. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I tied my hair up into a bun and decided to go grab breakfast in the kitchen. 

"Hey stupid." I greeted Jonathan, my little bro.

"Hey retard." He replied. This was our little thing. We called each other names, but we never took it in a negative way. It was our little sibling thing. "Mom's fighting with someone at the door. Just saying." Jonathan said. "Been about five minutes already."

"Hm really?" I asked. "Hey Jon, where's the whipped cream?" 

"Oh I used it for my waffle." Jonathan said. "Sorry sis." He wasn't sincere and I knew it. He had enjoyed every bit of that whipped cream. 

"Fudge." I groaned. We both knew I wasn't saying that used as a food. Mom wouldn't like me swearing around the house. She thought it was a bad example for Jon, but she didn't know that he could cuss in every sentence if he wanted to.

"Oh I ate all the fudge too." Jonathan smirked. 

"Is there anything left?" I asked.

"Probably not." Jonathan shrugged. I could hear voices from the front door and they were getting louder. 

"Shhh." I said, raising my finger to my lips. I tiptoed to the front door and peered around the corner. Mom was standing there with her hands on her hips. She was at an angle so I could see her face. Her lips were pursed and there her forehead was creased. 

"You're not wanted here Niall. Not after what you did." Mom said. Niall? I looked and saw Niall standing outside with his hands in his pockets. 


"Mrs. Rivera to you now Niall." Mom interrupted.

"Please. Can I please see Cassandra? Please." Niall pleaded.

Dad was standing next to Mom. "Sophie, let the poor guy in."

"NO!" Mom screamed. "He almost killed our daughter!"

"It was an accident! The bus ran into us!" Niall said.

"I believe him Sophie." Dad said. 

"Niall, just go." Mom said. Niall reluctantly nodded and walked away. Mom shut the door. "Cassy, I know you're there." I sighed and came from the corner. "Don't go running after him. He's not worth it." 

"Try and stop me." I said. I rolled my eyes. She thought she could control me, but she kept forgetting that I was eighteen, about to turn nineteen. 

"Cassy, don't you-"

"Bye Mom!" I waved. I really didn't care if I was in shorts and a giant sweatshirt. I could see Niall getting into his car already. 

"Ni!" I called out. He looked up and grinned. He ran towards me and hugged me to his body. I pushed him off though. 

"My mom really hates you doesn't she?" I asked. He just nodded.

"She thinks it was me that got you into the car accident because I was sixteen and was still a beginner driver." Niall said. 

I heard the front door open. "CASSANDRA COME BACK IN HERE! I DON'T WANT YOU TALKING TO THAT BOY!" She screeched. 

"So wanna get some lunch?" I asked, ignoring my screaming mother.

"Sure." Niall smiled, opening the passenger side for me. "Where would you like to?" I gave him a look. "Nando's it is!" He laughed. 

We drove to Nando's talking about random things. We talked about our siblings. Niall's older brother Greg who used to be like an older brother to me. My younger brother Jonathan who used to get along with Niall just fine. He once told me, "Niall's the best guy you've dated yet!" Niall was the only boy that he has ever approved of for me.

"The usual?" Niall asked me. I gave him a 'duh' look and he nodded. 

Niall ordered for the two of us. "So how have you been Cass?" He asked. 

"I've been doing alright. I'm trying to save up money to move out, but first I gotta get a job." I chuckled. "You know me. Lazy." 

Niall laughed too. "I'm in London now. I'm in a band called-"

"One Direction. Niall, the whole world knows who you are." I shrugged. "You're all around the news stands. Mullinger is proud Ni." I told him.

Niall just gave me a smile. "I almost have everything I could dream of. I'm in a band, I have four amazing best friends, I get to see you again, and a wonderful girlfriend-" 

Hold up. "Girlfriend?" 

OH GOSH IT'S 2 AM IN THE FRICKIN MORNING?! WHY AM I UP?! My eyes are about to shut right now, but inside I am so hyper. I think it was the ice cream I ate before bed. I watched the Vow today. It was-er-interesting. Not my fav movie. So it really sucks when your crush doesn't like you back doesn't it? My crush doesn't like me back! To him I'm like all nerdy and stuff. He's all popular and sweet. I've been crushing on this guy for THREE years and I want it to end. Now. I've been trying to think "Oh he's not all that great." But the problem is that he's too nice to not like!!! It's kinda depressing. Anyways, please vote, comment, and fan me! THANKS! DON'T EAT ICE CREAM BEFORE BED!!! :D

-Adriana will get no sleep

Oh yeah, there's a picture of a sexy Niall Horan to the side. OMFG IT'S LIKE SEXY OVERLOAD. Okay byes.

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