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  " Chimie hyung, is it true what Eomma Park said?" A raven-haired boy asked anxiously as he entered the living room, eyes searching the older's face.

the older met the questioning gaze with a somber one of his own. "That's what the doctor told her, Kookie."

The boy's brow furrowed deeply. "But you're going to be fine, right? We still have our whole future ahead of us together!"

the older blinked, momentarily caught off guard. "Huh?  A"

An indignant huff puffed the boy's cheeks. "Oh, don't play dumb with me, hyung!" He reached out to lightly flick Jimin's forehead in a gently chiding manner. "When I grow up, I'm going to marry you."

The unexpected declaration made the older's breath catch. "Don't be so sure, Kook. You never know what life will bring. What if you leave me one day? Or end up falling for a beautiful woman instead?"

the other vehemently shook his head, curls bouncing wildly. "That will never happen! If you don't marry me, I'll remain single forever." The conviction in his voice was absolute, but it only made jimin frown deeper.

"You're only fourteen. Life is too long to make promises like that"

"Stop talking like that," the younger huffed, frustration creasing his youthful features.

"Your mom hates me," the older pointed out flatly. "She won't allow it."

"Hyung, stop."

" but it's the truth"

" just stop"

"And I just know that when we're older, you'll end up loving someone else eventually, and I'll be left alone. Maybe you'll find yourself with a gorgeous woman who can give you-"

"Hyung!" the younger's shout finally silenced him, and the boy surged forward, cupping the older's face firmly between his palms as he pressed their foreheads together.

"Listen to me," the younger murmured lowly, sincerity blazing bright in his warm brown eyes. "I don't care about anyone else. You are my everything, even if we are only best friends now. But I promise you, one day I will make you my husband, and I will never, ever leave you. Never."

The shrill beeping of an alarm jolted Jimin awake, his body giving an involuntary jerk. Blinking slowly, he took a deep, steadying breath before reaching over to silence the intrusive noise.

After allowing himself a brief moment to gain his bearings and calm down his racing heart, Jimin rose and began his morning routine of getting ready for another day at the university.

The familiar rocking motion of the bus accompanied Jimin as he stepped inside, swiping his transit pass before making his way toward his usual seat in the back. Even with his earbuds securely in his ears, he could sense the unmistakable familiar presence settling into the space beside him. He didn't even need to look to know exactly who had decided to join him.

Jaw clenched, Jimin kept his gaze pointedly averted, he couldn't spare the other a single glance, an internal battle taking place inside him on whether to acknowledge the other person or not.

A heavy knot of guilt already gnawed at his stomach from the day before for how he had left Jungkook and abruptly brushed him off, not even sparing him a parting glance despite the younger's persistent efforts to follow him around.

Sad Memory / JIKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now