month 6 ,week 4

564 32 8

There exist a lot of tribulation that humans being will experience in their life in order to feel happiness, wether it's illness, Physical adversity , mental Or emotional , poverty , death and a lot of other hardship that life contain yet Jimin still Don't comprehend why happiness didn't visit him even after he experience half of the things mentioned above.

In life when you lose someone you love you tend to feel depressed and lost for sometime, it can be for a week , a month or two or even for a whole year it depends on the person value in your life but it can never stop at a person death no matter who you lost and how cherished the person was in your heart, life still goes on, and people kept living after a time the person just remains a good memory in your life, you shed tears whenever you remember them .

Up to now, no one knew that human relationship can be these deep, something about Jimin and the deceased Jungkook connection made it different than other people relationship in general, it was as if the two were tied with a thick red String around their heart, if one disappeared it will drag the other with it. The link between them was as strong and strange as it becomes unbelievable in others eyes.

piteous and dreadful were the words people used to describe Jimin condition the day of the funeral but no one reached his hand to pat his head for comfort, no one helped him when his parents died too, all his relatives left after sending their last greeting but yet he didn't even care he just stayed there standing blankly thinking how much his life was to be great if his friend wasn't dead, if only he didn't leave him everything would have been better even if his parents died, he only needed him, strange right?

Days passed by a flash and become weeks , weeks become months and months got replaced by years and now 8 years passed yet nothing changed in Jimin heart, his life did Start to change after Jungkook appearance 6 months ago, his mind and heart intentions began to linger around the said boy more then the one that died but yet he refused to accept it , he hated how his heart started to beat again, he hated how his mind held the other boy in it all the time and refused to think about something else , he felt betrayed by his own Organs .

To say he forgot the one he loved and moved on in order to live happily with Jungkook is the biggest lie he could tell himself and the younger knew it , he knows no matter how much he tried, no matter how much Jimin opened up to him and started showing affection it will never be the same level as the other Jungkook, no matter how much Jimin come to appreciate and love him, he will never take the dead Jungkook place, he will never be able to do so, no one can and no one would, Jimin himself knows how much the other place in his heart was big so even if he wanted to move on he couldn't, that's the only reason why he kept asking Jungkook to just give up , he knew even if his heart started to beat for the latter it won't take long for his anxiety to kick in and blow everything, every effort Jungkook made for the boy, Jimin wasn't ready to hurt the boy , even the idea of Jungkook crying because of him was making him go crazy, he hated it .

Jimin being the kindest human alive hated seeing people looked distressed and sad, even when building relationships and interacting with people wasn't really his thing he still made effort to cheer others up whenever he saw someone looking down, yet now staring at the one particular person whom succeeded on making him feel again looking all depressed made his heart ache.

Even when Jungkook was all cheerful and happy around Jimin, he didn't make a single gesture that can make the latter think he was unhappy, even so Jimin had sharp eyes he could tell how much the other wasn't feeling good , sitting there beside him at the auditorium waiting for the principal to call their name in order to get their Diploma, Jimin could see how distressed Jungkook side profile was looking , he had wept in silence and lowered his head as if he had a lot to think about, his once clean and clear white skin changed colors and looked more pale with dark circles under his eyes , his once lavender scent that always made Jimin go crazy got replaced by the scent of smoke.

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