Desperate Plea

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As the day of the marriage approached, Jimin felt like he was on the brink of a cliff, his anxiety mounting with each passing moment. Despite having agreed to let Jungkook go ahead with his plan and refrain from interfering since their last argument, Jimin still despised the idea and the whole scheme.

Jungkook had explained everything to him in detail, but Jimin was struggling to comprehend why Jungkook had agreed to this elaborate charade just to get his father's signature. Surely, there were simpler ways to achieve the same result without all this unnecessary drama.

However, Jungkook seemed to thrive on drama and had always been drawn to theatrics and reveled in the element of surprise, relishing the sight of people's elation turning into despair in the final moments, when they realized that there was nothing they could do to reverse things.

Jimin knew that Jungkook had always been competitive, especially when someone tried to beat him at his own game. He was even somewhat of a masochist. deriving pleasure from others' pain and despair, even more than the thrill of victory itself.

Jimin couldn't help but reminisce about their early days, he had seen how happy Jungkook became upon seeing people cry after losing to him in games. he always appeared to relish their agony and heartbreak more than the satisfaction of winning.

Furthermore, Jimin was plagued by an unexplainable unease regarding the situation. He couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something unexpected might occur and alter their lives irreparably. Although he recognized the need to take action, he hesitated to deprive Jungkook of the delight he would derive from witnessing his father's defeat.

So he found himself at a crossroads, feeling lost and uncertain about what to do next. As he sat there, his mind swirling with ideas and possibilities, he was abruptly jolted back to reality by the sound of his phone ringing.

While he was at the office, Jungkook was attending a meeting at a company located in the bustling center of Seoul, he informed Jimin that he didn't have to accompany him because he needed Nayun's assistance,  Despite Jimin's attempts to persuade him with both puppy eyes and threats, Jungkook was determined to go alone, leaving Jimin sulking at the office.

The man let out a weary sigh before grabbing his phone and answering it. "Hello, Park Jimin speaking. If we haven't met before, I suggest you hang up before taking your next breath," he said in a monotonous tone.

" can we meet?" as Jimin heard the sweet and familiar feminine voice on the other end of the line, he knew instantly who it was without even having to ask. The voice was so distinct that he could pick it out from a crowd of a million people

"Mrs. Jeon," Jimin exclaimed, his eyes widening with surprise as a sly grin appeared on his face. "How did you get my number?" he asked, but quickly added, "No, wait, never mind. Don't answer that. Why do you want to meet me?"

With a hushed voice, she declared "Our encounter will reveal itself to you.", her voice barely audible as if the words were an effort to escape her lips.

"How fortunate, I'm bored to death. Meet me at the café three miles from your house in thirty minutes. And make sure I don't catch a glimpse of Mr. Jeon's unsightly face anywhere within my line of vision," Jimin declared, jabbing a finger in the air before ending the call before the elderly woman had a chance to respond. Initially, he debated whether or not to inform Jungkook about the meeting, but after careful consideration, he decided to find out what she wanted first.

After organizing some papers in the drawers, Jimin rose from his seat and headed into Jungkook's office. He retrieved the spare car keys and made his way to his destination.

Thirty minutes had passed before Jimin made his way to the café. He immediately spotted Mrs. Jeon, who was sitting alone in the corner, sipping her tea. Despite being alone, she seemed uneasy and had opted to sit at a four-seat table, keeping some distance between herself and anyone who might join her.

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