Navigating Work and Relationships

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In the aftermath of the emancipation papers debacle, Jimin was feeling utterly useless. He couldn't shake the feeling of indebtedness towards Jungkook, who had spent a fortune on him. So, he decided to take matters into his own hands and try to make things right by getting a job. But when he brought up the idea to Jungkook, the latter flatly refused to let him work. Jimin was left with no options and no ideas.

However, he was not one to give up easily. He was determined to find a way to contribute, And so, he came up with a bold plan. He decided to convince Jungkook to hire him as his personal secretary, giving him a position in his own company. After all, he was always around anyway, so why not put his time and energy to good use?

Summoning all his courage, Jimin strode purposefully into Jungkook's office. "I was thinking," he said, his voice serious, "maybe I could work for your company."

Jungkook looked up, surprised. "Work for my company? Doing what?"

"I don't know...maybe as your personal secretary?" Jimin replied, hoping to sound convincing. "I feel like I should be doing something useful instead of just lazing around in your office."

Jungkook sat deep in thought, musing over Jimin's proposition. Despite recognizing that jimin has a genuine desire to repay him, he couldn't help but ponder the potential value it held. Yet, a part of him couldn't resist questioning Jimin's logic, prompting him to ask in a reluctant tone, "Why work when you have no obligation to do so?"

Jimin's arms crossed defensively as he peered at Jungkook with a skeptical gaze. "You're not suggesting I live like a sloth, are you?" he countered " just bask in idleness, indulging in food and slumber all day?" 

Jungkook's response was a nonchalant shrug. "Isn't that the purpose of work? To earn money and sustain oneself? You already have money and the resources you require, so why bother?"

"Kook, you have money, and I don't," Jimin retorted, his arms still firmly crossed.

"It's the same thing," Jungkook replied, his tone unwavering. "What's mine is yours, and vice versa."

Jimin paused for a moment before adding, "I know, but I still want to do something." His words were infused with a sense of purpose, and a desire to contribute and make a meaningful impact.

Jungkook regarded Jimin thoughtfully, his expression softening. "Okay," he said finally. "I see your point. And I do appreciate your eagerness to contribute. Let's give it a try. You can start working as my personal secretary, we'll see how it unfolds. Though it won't be anything grandiose that's nayun's work, you can do with some fundamental tasks." "

Jimin's face lit up with gratitude and joy. "Thank you so much, Kook! I won't let you down," he exclaimed.

Jungkook smiled, pleased with Jimin's determination. "I know you won't," he said, his voice filled with confidence.

Jimin's enthusiasm to excel in his role as Jungkook's personal secretary was undeniable after landing the job. He was determined to make a meaningful contribution to the company and had shown great promise in his early days. However, as the days turned into weeks, and a month passed, he came to realize that he may have jumped the gun in getting the position. While the job itself was not overwhelming, Jimin was struggling with personal issues that left him feeling unfocused and unable to perform at his best. In hindsight, he understood that he could have waited for a more opportune time to convince Jungkook of his suitability for the role.

a few days later, he found himself sitting at his desk, his eyes fixated on the blank computer screen before him. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't concentrate on anything at all. He felt a deep sense of guilt creeping up on him, for he had made a promise to Jungkook that he would do well. However, his mind was consumed by the thought of Jungkook's father's deal, and the weight of the responsibility felt too heavy for him to bear. Although Jungkook had convinced him that it was all just an act, Jimin could not shake off the overwhelming feeling of anxiety that came with the thought of Jungkook getting too close to another woman, even if it was all just a pretense. With each passing day, Jimin became more stressed and anxious, until he found himself spiraling out of control.

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