Invitations and Insults

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The meeting between Jungkook and the woman came like a bolt from the blue, catching him completely off guard. He never imagined that his father would introduce the woman to him, especially not so soon after he had called and given his answer. But now, as he laid his eyes on her, a sense of relief washed over him upon realizing who she was. He could sense Jimin's seething presence beside him, ready to explode any moment.

On the other hand, Lina was intimidated by Jimin's piercing gaze that bore into her like a dagger. She could feel his disapproval radiating from his eyes, but she refused to be deterred. She focused all her attention on Jungkook, flashing him a sweet smile, and said, "Jungkook, it's an absolute pleasure to see you again."

Jungkook beamed at her, overjoyed to see that she hadn't changed a bit. "Likewise, Lina. You look absolutely stunning," he replied, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

Jimin's patience was wearing thin, and he was growing increasingly frustrated with Jungkook's flirtatious behavior toward Lina. He fixated his piercing gaze on the man in question, hoping that his gaze would be enough to convey his frustration. When that didn't work, he nudged at his hand, hoping to make him understand how annoyed he was feeling. But alas, it seemed like Jungkook was either intentionally ignorant or just plain dense.

finally, with a concerned expression, Jungkook turned to Jimin and asked, "Is everything okay, Chim?" The audacity of his question only fueled Jimin's anger even further.

Jimin felt his eyebrows furrow in frustration and forced a tight-lipped smile, biting back his sarcastic remark as he glared at Jungkook with intensity.

"Everything's just perfect," he replied, dripping with sarcasm and malice, unable to hide his seething anger.

Jungkook's nonchalant smile only added fuel to the fire, causing Jimin's blood to boil with rage. He turned his attention to Lina, trying to keep his cool despite the overwhelming urge to lash out.

"Great,"  jungkook said cheerfully, turning towards Lina. "Since we haven't seen each other in so long, why don't you join us for dinner tonight if you're free?"

The sheer incredulity of the situation left Jimin's jaw hanging in disbelief. GOD, he is so going to kill jungkook after this and If he doesn't stop, Jimin might just end up poisoning Lina and serving her up for dinner.

Jungkook's father, who had been trying to get a word in edgewise, cleared his throat loudly and spoke sternly. "Jungkook, Lina is here to see you, not to have dinner with us," he said firmly.

The three of them turned to face him, their eyes fixed on him briefly. Jungkook chuckled softly and then said, "Let me rephrase that, please join us for dinner, Lina," he said calmly, gesturing towards himself and Jimin.

 "The invitation does not extend to you, Mr. Jeon," he added, addressing his father with a slight hint of sarcasm.

Jungkook's father's countenance flushed with shame rather than fury in response to his son's retort. "Excuse me? I am your father," he growled, his voice escalating. "I came all the way here for you. show me some respect?"

Jungkook chuckled. "You've accomplished your purpose, now please depart on your own."

Jungkook's father glared at him, his visage a mask of rage and anguish. "Fine, have it your way," he hissed, pivoting and exiting the office.

Lina witnessed the interaction between father and son, feeling uneasy and ill at ease, while Jimin saw it as the only positive event of his entire day.

"So," Lina muttered awkwardly, still not comfortable under Jimin's scrutiny.

Jungkook noticed Lina's discomfort and quickly intervened. "Don't worry about him, he's just protective of me," he said with a smile, trying to ease the tension in the room.

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