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On the following day, the much-anticipated wedding day finally arrived, and Jimin's emotions were at an all-time high of anxiety and anger. The source of his anger was already known - Jungkook. The night before, Jungkook had arrived late, catching Jimin in a state of restless pseudo-sleep, his mind consumed with thoughts about the upcoming wedding.

 Jimin couldn't fathom the fact that Jungkook was about to tie the knot with someone else, even if it was only for show. He didn't want anyone else to undergo the wedding ceremony except himself, regardless of the fact that it was all just a sham.

When Jimin woke up the next morning, he found Jungkook already wide awake and bustling around. To Jimin's surprise, there was a beautiful black suit laid out on the bed, complete with a sparkling bow and some elegant jewelry on the side.

But as Jimin looked closer, he began to feel a sense of frustration and confusion. Why was Jungkook asking him to dress up so nicely for a fake wedding between two people who weren't even getting married? It just didn't make sense to him.

Jimin gazed up at his lover, who arrived with a cheerful grin and a breakfast platter. Jungkook set down the meal and drew near, planting a tender kiss on Jimin's lips.

"Let's eat and dress up, we're leaving in an hour," Jungkook declared.

Jimin scowled and crossed his arms. "What's with your giddy behavior?" he asked with a critical tone. "It's not like you're actually marrying her."

Jungkook chuckled and playfully ruffled Jimin's hair. "I'm just thrilled that we'll be done with all of this soon. It's been stressing you out a lot."

Jimin gave him a skeptical look. "Uh-huh," he muttered, taking the tray of food in hand. But before he could even take a bite, he glanced up and caught Jungkook staring at him in an odd way. "Swear to me that you're not going to exchange fake vows and kisses," Jimin demanded. "You're just signing papers, right?"

Jungkook's delighted expression transformed into one of confusion. "Of course we are. How else would it look real?" he replied.

As Jungkook's words sank in, Jimin's grip on the platter loosened. the tray slipped from Jimin's grasp and clattered onto the bed, and food spilled onto the sheets, leaving a greasy stain, He stood up hastily, his eyes blazing with anger and disbelief.

but before he could steady himself, he stumbled backward, tripping on the twisted covers that wound around his legs. He flailed his arms, trying to regain his balance, but he only succeeded in knocking over the glass of orange juice that Jungkook had brought with the breakfast.

If it weren't for Jungkook's quick reflexes, he would have fallen hard to the floor.

In a matter of seconds, the room was in disarray. Jimin's clothes were soiled with food and juice, and he was shaking with anger and disbelief. He pushed Jungkook away with all his might, his palms slamming into Jungkook's chest with a thud.

"YOU'RE GOING TO KISS HER?!" Jimin yelled, trembling as he shoved Jungkook away. "ARE YOU NUTS?!"

Taken aback by Jimin's outburst, Jungkook stumbled backward, his eyes widening. He then stepped forward to calm Jimin down.

"Chim baby, This will be resolved in the blink of an eye, before you even realize it," he uttered soothingly, extending a hand to touch Jimin's shoulder.

However, Jimin flung off Jungkook's hand and retreated, his eyes still ablaze with fury. "Listen up, and listen well," he roared once more.  "I don't give a damn, if I catch you touching her skin with your lips, I'll kill you this time for real and end myself after. don't test me. you belong to me and no one else ! "  he bellowed, his voice quavering with emotion.

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