epilogue: The Triumph of Obsessive Love

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Jimin sat on the balcony, the sun dipping below the horizon, casting a golden hue on the world around him, fingers gently strumming the strings of his guitar. The soft melody filled the air as he hummed a familiar tune. A gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying memories on its wings. With his heart full of love and longing, he began to softly sing, the lyrics flowing like whispers in the wind.

Sunny days seem to help the most

 I feel you everywhere I go 

I see your smile, I see your face 

I hear you laughing by my side 

I still can't believe you're here 

I wear the joy like I've never had before

As Jimin's voice carried the lyrics, a flashback washed over his mind, transporting him to a time when he would sing this song in a different way, with different emotions and lyrics. he remembered the pain this song gave him each time it broke from his mouth. the lazy afternoons spent in his room alone staring at jungkook's picture on the ceiling. The profound sadness he experienced filled his heart with a bittersweet ache.

It's just fair you lived so long

 Like a story that never seemed to end 

And life kept adding pages every day 

God knows how I missed you 

All the hell that I've been through 

Just knowing I could have lost you

 Sometimes I wonder where I would be today 

If you hadn't come back

The memories shifted, and Jimin found himself in the sterile hospital room once again. Jungkook's worried eyes met his, the weight of his actions and the fractured reality hanging heavily in the air. Pain and frustration intertwined as they navigated the aftermath of the accident, trying to find solace amidst the chaos.

The lyrics brought to the surface the realization of how precious their time together was. Jimin's thoughts wandered to a time of uncertainty, a time when he almost lost the one who meant the world to him. The gratitude and love he felt were overwhelming, knowing that their story continued to unfold.

Would we go see the world, would we chase our dreams

 Settle down like a family

 I wonder what we would name our babies 

I can feel you, I can talk to you 

Finally, I don't sound crazy

A glimmer of hope emerged in Jimin's recollection. The flashes of tender moments, the touch of Jungkook's hand, the reassurance that they were in this together. They fought against the currents threatening to tear them apart, striving to rekindle the flame that once burned so brightly.

Something that was only his imagination, a future he envisioned that might have been, dreams he had nurtured.  something he used to cry without a tear about, now was not a mere dream but a reality he watched every day when he woke up for four years.

a life he shared with only jungkook and created a third one with. One that probably didn't share their blood, but have they ever thought about blood, they gave her love, the only thing the two always had, and took her in at only two months old.

It's just fair you lived so long

 Like a story that never seemed to end 

And life kept adding pages every day

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