Conflicting Desires and jimin's outburst

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The dinner among the trio progressed rather awkwardly, save for the fleeting moment when Lina inadvertently consumed the wasabi dumpling followed by an intensely hot soup, /which had nothing to do with Jimin/. Despite the torment Lina was enduring, she composed herself and carried on with the meal. Jimin, on the other hand, couldn't resist throwing snarky remarks her way, exacerbating the already tense atmosphere. Nevertheless, they managed to strike up a decent conversation and even shared a few chuckles throughout the evening. It was evident that an underlying tension simmered between Jimin and Lina, yet they managed to navigate the evening with a modicum of civility.

After dinner, the three of them retired to the living room with some drinks. As they settled into the cozy couch, the mood in the room grew more serious. Lina appeared to be preoccupied with something, occasionally glancing at Jimin, who raised an eyebrow each time but remained silent.

Jungkook broke the silence, his voice low and measured. "So, Lina, why did you agree to marry me? We may have been close, but you knew things about me that would have made you hesitant to be with me even if you had feelings for me."

Jimin, about to interject, received a sharp glance from Jungkook and was silenced.

Lina hesitated, her gaze downcast as she pondered her answer.

"you know how controlling my father is," she muttered. "Though I have gone against his wishes in the past, I could not bring myself to refuse this time."

"Meaning?" Jungkook inquired.

"He's old, Jungkook," she explained. "I do not think he will live to see me settle down and find love. He begged me, thinking this was the only way he could die in peace. He knows you, and he knows that you are a successful man. When your father proposed a business deal, my father was pleased to discover that he could get you to be with me in one way or another."

"May I inquire if you have any inkling of my thoughts on this matter?" Jungkook asked with caution.

Lina responded with a smile, "I am well aware, which is why I agreed without hesitation. I am certain that we can devise a solution that meets both our desires."

Jimin, who had been silently observing, asked, "And what is it that you desire?"

Lina was taken aback by Jimin's calm demeanor towards her and replied softly with a hint of sadness in her eyes, "I yearn for happiness. I crave to be with someone who reciprocates my love. However, I also long to bring joy to my father, and I am uncertain if these aspirations can coexist."

Jimin furrowed his brow, struggling to comprehend. "You should not have to sacrifice your happiness for your father's," he declared vehemently. "That is utter nonsense."

Lina simply shrugged and offered her insight, "Not all parents are malevolent, Jimin-shi," she replied knowingly, only adding to Jimin's confusion. "Despite my father being overbearing and occupied during my upbringing, he went above and beyond to ensure my happiness after my mother's passing. He did everything in his power to see me smile."

"And why does your father's happiness depend on you marrying Kook?" Jimin pressed, ignoring Jungkook's warning look. "I think it's more than tolerable to marry someone of good status who you can share your feelings with."

"I think successful businesswomen are a rare breed," she replied with a grin, chuckling as Jimin looked at her, surprised and confused. "And being a lesbian doesn't sit well with my father."

As Lina revealed her sexual orientation, Jimin's eyes widened with surprise. He never suspected that she was a lesbian. He turned his gaze towards Jungkook, who appeared to be avoiding eye contact while scratching his head. Jimin spoke up, "You knew about this, didn't you?"

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