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   Jungkook squinted his eyes as he watched his phone go on and off for the twentieth time that afternoon , the annoying buzz of his phone echoing through the hard board of his office desk making it hard for his headache to die down.

Jimin had been blowing his phone up since he left , initially it wasn't his intention to leave him behind , he didn't even have work that day but he couldn't stay there and watch all those marks on the smaller neck , he hates it when something is bothering him or when he's being overwhelmed with emotions and seeing those made him experience both things at the same time , it won't be good neither for him nor for Jimin if he had stayed home , together.

The third time Jimin called that morning , he reluctantly picked up assuring a worried Jimin that he was fine , harmless and in his office doing his work if we considered playing Mario kart while lazily laying on his chair , legs up on the desk even a work ,  but that didn't help the other worries to lessen even a bit and not even ten minutes later he called again asking the same questions again . where are you ? , Are you fine ? , send me a proof picture , are you sure nothing is suspicious around you it's just you and your office? ....
That had been going for the past 5 hours, It’s written over his face, he's beyond annoyed, and the intoxicating scent of his assistant who was thrilled to see him working on his day off and found excuses everytime to come to him as well as the sound of her high heels literally pulsating inside his head is slowly driving him crazy.

" Mr.jeon care to check this document, I think something's wrong"  nodded Jungkook , then rolled his eyes when she leaned a little bit too low , her chest on full display, now don't get him wrong he would be happy to kick her out of the office and even the company but surprisingly all her excuses to come were valid and important work stuff and her 3 years of working with him weren't fruitless , she did her job extremely good specially when he wasn't around , the time he spent chasing Jimin to college and his house .

" Just leave it here "

The woman hesitate but did as she was told taking a full U turn to put the documents in front of Jungkook and taking a ridiculous amount of time to put it down .

True Jungkook payed her no attention yet he couldn't help but think what Jimin would do if he saw her like that , he knew how much violent the smaller could get at times , he still remembers all the things he did in the past whenever Jungkook was with someone other than him , they used to have a lot of problems because of that , not between both of them but with the others specially Jungkook's parent , whereas he didn't want to dwell on the memory so much he can't help but feel bothered about it for several raisons.

He was so immersed in his thoughts, he didn't even notice that someone has entered the office,until Jimin's pissed voice cuts off the chaos in his head.

" Is this why you left me for ? "

There the hunter of his mind stood , hands on his hips glaring at both him and his assistant , his gaze traveling back and forth from Jungkook's face to his assistant chest that the CEO assumed was really close , he wouldn't know anyway he wasn't looking nor paying attention .

The smaller all dressed up in a black turtle neck and black skinny jeans , making Jungkook take a few notes on the back of his mind that he looked really good in black only if the weather was cold enough for turtle neck shirts , he almost felt bad for him , note the key word - almost - since a part of him was actually glad even if Jimin must be suffocating in the meantime.

While the two were glaring at each other , Jungkook debating if he should feel annoyed that Jimin fellowed him or amused by the little sassy - angry walk he made while approaching him , Jimin was more probably writing a long speech in his head and a few murder plans , the assistant managed to slip out without much notice.

" Is this some sick revenge for what I did or you just thought let's ground jimin today and have fun alone at the company " Jimin scoffed , in all honesty he knew the answer before even asking but sometimes he can't really control his mouth and temper .

" Neither , what are you doing here "

" You weren't picking up my calls"

"Seriously ? "

" What , I was worried okay , you were the one who left me so you have no right to blame me "he said deflated.  laying a light slap to Jungkook's shoulder. Not yet confident enough to hit hard after how upset he had made him this morning .

" I left you for a reason , being all dressed up doesn't mean they are not there anymore" Jungkook replied , he rests his head on the back of his chair and closed his eyes in hope it will help decrease his headache ,completely aware of the faint distraughtness in Jimin's face .

" I wasn't in my right mind and I apologized,  I would never do something like that I thought you know me better than this "

" I do "

" Then can't you turn a blind eye on this , it wasn't intentional but you're being over dramatic " he groaned , Jimin knows he's asking the impossible - he's well aware of that, he shouldn't be saying this in the first place , Jungkook wasn't blaming him nor accusing him of anything - this is an obvious fact , he understand what the younger was feeling and he's aware that he's speaking out of selfishness yet he really can't help it .

" What would you do in my place" Jungkook asked as he sat properly getting his feet off the desk and turned around facing the smaller, completely ignoring Jimin's bellyaching.

" I wouldn't act as dramatic as you " Jimin countered , they both know that's the biggest and dumbest lie Jimin could ever come up with , specially after what he's planning to do when his conversation with Jungkook ends , but that comes later on - no one needs to know for now .

Jungkook raised his eyebrows with pursed lips , " let's take a moment and appreciate your efforts"

" I really won..- you know what whatever - fine , I'll give you your stupid space but I'll be downstairs don't expect me to go back home alone " and with that Jimin stormed out of his office or in Jungkook's own opinion did a quick catwalk toward the door but instead of showing clothes like they do on a fashion show Jimin was showing more of how his hips sway from side to side . That was definitely on purpose.

Jungkook is going to kill him , Jimin knows he's digging his own grave at this point , he walked to the receptionist with a big smile , who in her part bowed at him when she noticed his presence , she didn't know who exactly Jimin was but the fact he was by her boss side was all she needed to know he deserves her respect and the fact he looked older than her.

" Hi sweetheart I need a favor"

The Young girl blushed a deep shade of red , it wasn't a secret to Jimin that he was the talk of the week in the company, he never really cared about what people said or thought of him , since a young age the only person Jimin can remember himself ever tried to impress was Jungkook , but he also was an honest man so watching the girl blush and play with her fingers trying hard not to look Jimin in the eyes wasn't that bad  .

" Y-yes sir "

" Where can I find Jungkook's skivvy?" Jimin asked , the young girl looked at him puzzled as if he was speaking some weird language

" Mr.jeon assistante , you know the one that looks like Cruella minus the white hair  , long skinny legs and black hair "

" Ahh Kim nayun , you would find her on the composing room , second floor , first room on your right "

murder eyes female staff name was nayun , Jimin finally had a name to a face . He turned and looked at the young blushing girl in the eyes . he smiles , grabbing her hands " Thanx pretty lady , you're the best"

" S-sure "

And damn he was having a lot of fun , Jimin loved a lot of thing in life back then even when some of those changed  like his confidence around Jungkook , a lot of other things didn't like , his love to make people blush and tremble.

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