Intimate Confessions

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As the sun slowly descended, its warm, golden rays illuminated the entire city, casting a mesmerizing aura that seemed to soothe the soul. Jungkook and Jimin, perched on their balcony, silently watched as the colors of the sky transformed into shades of pink, orange, and red, painting a breathtaking portrait in the heavens.

and lina, As Jungkook previously mentioned, did, in fact, depart the dwelling once they had arrived back. she couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding when they arrived home and noticed the atmosphere between Jungkook and Jimin.

There was an air of tension and discomfort in the house, which immediately put her on edge.

when she greeted them, she was met with an uncomfortable silence. Jungkook attempted a weak smile, but Jimin completely ignored her presence and stormed past without even a glance.

Lina couldn't shake off the sense of foreboding that enveloped her. She felt an overwhelming need to leave the house and give them some space to sort out whatever was going on.

As soon as they were alone, the two sought refuge in the shower, hoping the water would wash away their anxieties. But as they washed away the day's grime and stress, their touch grew more and more tender, their caresses more intimate, until they were lost in each other's embrace and their skinship escalated quickly into an intense make-out session.

Time passed by in a blur, and before they knew it, two hours had gone by. It was a flurry of sounds and sensations: high-pitched moans, skin slapping against skin, and the overwhelming feeling of passion and desire that they had both been suppressing for far too long.

Although it wasn't the first time they had been intimate, it was the first time they had taken it to this level, and it was unexpected, raw, and intense. it wasn't how they had anticipated their first time together but the love they had for each other was too strong to resist, and at that moment, they gave in to the desire they had kept holding up till now.

Jimin turned his head towards Jungkook, he was sitting on his lap with his head resting on his shoulder, gazing up at the stars. Jimin couldn't help but stare at Jungkook's profile as he whispered softly, "Kook, do you remember what you told me the other day in the park? You said I could start by asking small questions."

Jungkook's attention was immediately drawn to Jimin's whisper, and he turned his head to look at him. The closeness between them was so intimate that their noses almost touched. "Mhm," Jungkook hummed softly, his gaze locked on Jimin's. "What about it?"

At first, Jimin hesitated, unsure if he should ask the question that was weighing heavily on his mind. But when Jungkook leaned down and placed a tender kiss on his forehead, whispering "Take your time, I know it's hard for you," Jimin's heart swelled with warmth. He reached out and took one of Jungkook's arms, which was draped around his waist, interlacing their fingers and starting to play with them absentmindedly.

With a solemn expression, Jimin nodded, taking another deep breath before speaking, "What was it like for you when you emerged from your coma?"

Jungkook's demeanor shifted, his features tensing as he shut his eyes and drew a deep breath before answering. "It was akin to rousing from a prolonged, deep slumber, yet I felt profoundly disoriented and bewildered. Initially, I was oblivious to what had occurred, and the experience seemed surreal, like a lucid dream. However, as reality dawned on me, I became increasingly apprehensive and inundated with emotions. It was as though I had been plucked from my existence and flung into a foreign realm."

He opened his eyes and looked at Jimin, who was listening intently and continued, "At that time, I was drowning in a sea of confusion and pain. The only emotion that consumed me was anguish, and it intensified when I woke up to find you missing. I couldn't comprehend why you didn't come to see me, even after a week had passed. You were there with me during the accident, but you vanished afterward. I thought you had abandoned me."

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