Pressing Matters and Uncomfortable Reunions

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After a couple of days had elapsed, the atmosphere had seemingly settled down and the animosity between Jimin and Jungkook, which arose from their argument, had seemingly ebbed away, albeit on the surface only. Jimin's anger towards Jungkook had not entirely evaporated, but he had mellowed his attitude towards him and occasionally answered him in a brusque manner.

meanwhile, Lina was grateful as she noticed Jimin's newfound kindness towards her. However, this came with a caveat, as he would still express his frustration and anger whenever she got too close to Jungkook. Even small acts of affection from Lina, such as a sweet comment or playful touch, would trigger Jimin's displeasure and make it abundantly clear that he was unhappy with the situation.

on the other hand, the company was rife with tension and a few frightened staff and employees still avoided Jimin and consciously tried to keep Jungkook out of their daily conversations. However, despite this unease, work was progressing smoothly, and Jimin performed his job exceptionally. His impressive work ethic and competence provided stability amidst the otherwise volatile atmosphere.

Overall, as days went by while the aftermath of jimin mood had caused some turbulence everywhere he stepped, it seemed like everyone was slowly but surely moving towards a state of normalcy.

On a mundane Tuesday afternoon, Jimin was engrossed in meticulously managing every minute of Jungkook's schedule. He was scheduling crucial meetings, appointments, and events, all while ensuring that Jungkook was able to attend all of his essential engagements. Suddenly, he was jolted out of his concentration by the sound of a cough. As he looked up, he was pleasantly surprised to see the familiar faces of Jackson and Taehyung standing in front of him. It had been an eternity since Jimin had seen these two men, let alone the other group members. As Jimin reminisced about their university days, he realized that he kind of missed their bickering and playful annoyance. 

As soon as Jimin spotted the two visitors, he sprang from his seat with alacrity, extending a warm welcome to them. "Hi, long time no see," he greeted them with a broad grin.

Jackson responded amiably, nodding and smiling back, "It's been a while, Mr. Park. I apologize for not visiting earlier, but the boss has kept me tied up with work."

On the other hand, Taehyung's greeting was anything but formal or polite. He bounded towards Jimin and leaped onto him, squeezing the air out of his lungs. With a high-pitched voice, he exclaimed, "Jimin! I missed you, bud!"

"Hey, hey! Kim, let go of me! I can't breathe," Jimin panicked, frantically tapping Taehyung's shoulder. Despite his desperate pleas, Taehyung refused to release him and instead clung tighter. Jimin, who wasn't particularly fond of physical contact, especially with someone who wasn't Jungkook, began to feel uneasy.

Fortunately, Jungkook arrived just in time, and with a commanding hand, he pulled Taehyung away from Jimin. 

"Hands off," Jungkook growled, his tone deadly serious. Jimin was relieved to see him, as he had assumed Jungkook was still in a meeting and wasn't expecting him to finish so soon.

"Ah, kook. Jackson and Taehyung are here," Jimin said, his voice strained from Taehyung's enthusiastic hug.

Jungkook's demeanor softened as he welcomed their guests, "You have arrived just in time, welcome."

Jimin's curiosity was piqued, "Did you call for them?" he asked.

Jungkook affirmed, "Yes, we need to discuss some important matters with them."

As they settled in Jungkook's office, a somber ambiance filled the room until Taehyung broke the silence, "So, what's been happening around here? I thought you two were finished. What is this about the marriage rumors?"

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