month 6

587 36 16


 Perched on the edge of the university's rooftop, Jimin gazed down at the busy group of students below. all their individual figures blurring together into a writhing mass like insignificant ants.

There were instances when the impulse to simply let himself dive from that dizzying height would claw insistently at his consciousness. Times when the sweet lure of thoughtlessness felt like the only forgiving getaway from the constant war raging within his fractured psyche.

The only thing that managed to stop him from doing such an act was the thought of his other half above in the sky bearing witness as he ended his existence. He couldn't bring himself to disappoint the lost piece of himself lingering in the afterlife in such an agonizing way.

But those unpleasant, self-destructive urges had only grown more persistent with each passing day, chipping away at his already tenuous grip on reality bit by bit.

Releasing a long, exhausted sigh, Jimin tipped his head back to gaze sightlessly up at the sky with the sweetest smile he could master. Despite his soul belonging irrevocably to one person, his heart couldn't seem to cease pounding furiously for another person with startlingly similar features to his past lover.

In quiet, unguarded moments like these, the slightest stroke of Jungkook's warm fingertips over the swell of his cheekbone or the brush of bodies in passing was enough to make Jimin feel untethered. Even his heart, which was lost long ago, beats faster. Like he was drifting high above the clouds on fleeting waves of amazement.

He loved the way he cared for him and how he never gave up, even when he was causing him too much pain. He loved how kind and affectionate he was towards him, and how intimidating he could be around others.

Jimin also adored the emotional sweetness, gentle patience, and warmth that the younger exuded when they were alone together in the secluded spaces between heartbeats and uncertainty. He adored the indescribable sense of feeling so undeniably cherished, while a reckless part of him protested against the gradual weakening of his defenses.

  Jungkook wasn't as discreet as he thought he was being. Jimin saw everything - the way he spitefully beat down anyone who so much as looked at Jimin the wrong way on campus, how he systematically threatened and coerced the entire university into leaving them alone and unbothered. 

The whispers of bodyguards lurking in the shadows, constantly positioned to keep watch over Jimin's safety. None of it was a secret, and Jimin would have been lying if he said those unsubtle displays of fierce protectiveness didn't make his traitorous heart trip over itself in his chest.

He was growing disgustingly weak for jungkook, and he despised it. He hated how his anxiety levels would rise whenever they were separated for too long, and how he found himself thinking about him more each day.

Maybe he didn't have to leap off that rooftop after all because he was already falling... deep down.

"Jim...Jimin! What the hell?!"

The deep, frenzied voice echoed from behind Jimin, breaking the oppressive silence. He didn't have to turn around to know who that familiar rasp belonged to.

"What if you slip?"

Before Jimin could so much as blink, a strong arm was banding around his torso, hauling him bodily away from the ledge he'd been perched on. His feet scrambled for purchase as he was forcibly tugged back to safety, Exhaling in a sudden rush of surprise.

"Relax, bun," he managed once he had regained his footing, flashing the faintest hint of a smile up at Jungkook. "I don't think I'll die that easily."

"I was looking everywhere for you," jungkook rasped, pulling Jimin into an almost rib-cracking embrace.

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