dealing with bullying

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I was called to Belle's school from work. So I headed there thinking that she was sick or something so I called Chris to let him know what was going on.

"Yea I'm headed there as well," he told me

I pulled into a parking spot right as Chris arrived and parks next to me so I waited till he came over before we headed inside and told the front desk lady we were here.

"Mr.& Mrs. Evans please come in," the principal says

So we walked around the front desk to his office, but not before seeing a kid with what looked to be a black eye coming on and a broken nose.

We walked in and there Sat Belle.

"Hi baby, you ok?" I asked as I walked over as Chris picked her up.

She nodded her head as she held on to her daddy.

"I called you in here due to Belle hitting a kid with a textbook after she punched him," the principal says

I looked at Belle.

"Why did you do it?" Chris asked

"She claims..."

I held my hand up.

"Please let her tell us," I say

The principal stopped talking as we looked at Belle.

"I had grown tired of him bullying me and the teachers and administrators not doing anything to stop it. so today I punched him in the eye and hit him with a book after he called me a jizabelle" she replied

I looked over at the principal.

"Has she complained that he's bullying her and you all not do anything?" I asked

"Well yes, but we told her to ignore it," he says

"Ignore it?" Chris asked

"Yea. bullies eventually stop," he says

"And people want to know why schools are being shot up. It's cause of the administrators who give this whole gimmick of we don't allow bullying here. yet when a student reports it so they could get help like they've been told to do. nothing happens so they take matters into their own hands some times it not pleasant and sometimes it's what they deserve not being killed but when the victim defends themselves." I say

"Now Mrs. Evans that's uncalled for," he says

I stood up along with Chris who still held Belle.

"Want to know whats uncalled for is this piss poor excuse of a damn school who fucking lies to their students and parents that they will help a student out that's being bullied and they would put a stop to it when they do nothing and when the victim of bullying takes care of the bully like an adult was supposed to than the administrators want to punish the victim instead of the bully. that's what's uncalled for" I replied

With that said I grabbed Chris's arm and walked out.

"You can't leave," the principal says

"Oh yea.. watch us" Chris replied

We went to Chris's car where he helped Belle get in the back seat.

"Hey your little girl hurt our son you need to make her apologize," the man said as he approached us.

"I ain't making her do a damn thing" I replied facing him

"I'll make you," he says

"I'd love to see you try" I replied

Right at that time, Chris stepped between us.

"Don't even think of laying your hands on my wife" Chris warned.

"Well keep a muzzle on her and train her better" the guy replied.

"The only one needing trained is your offspring. Who the hell bullies a kid and thinks nothing is gonna happen. teach your kid that bullying is wrong or the next time he bullies someone it could be his last. and not I'm not threatening anyone Its happen plenty of times" I replied

"You need to shut up," the mom says

"Or what?" I asked

"Baby get in the car," Chris says

"I'm not leaving you alone with these two so they could try something," I tell him

when the guy says nothing we go to get in our cars.

But the woman grabs my hair and tries to slam my head on my car, I elbow her in the face before I turned around and grabbed her arm and pulled it roughly behind her back, and put her in a painful position.

She screams out as I add pressure.

"You're gonna break my arm," she says

"Well you'll learn not to attack someone from behind" I replied

I started walking her away from mine and Chris's car a little so Belle couldn't see what was going on though people were recording it.

" Now this is the last time I will tell you. have your offspring apologize to my daughter or so help me I will bring a lawsuit on your two asses so fast your head will spin" I warned

"He did nothing wrong" she claims

So I add more pressure.

"Your little boy has bullied my daughter for a very long time till she paid him back. now make him apologize" I tell her

"Kingsley tell that little girl your sorry and that you'll never bully her again," she says

"No, he doesn't have to" the dad claims

"He doesn't apologize I'll get you to both for slandering mine and my husband's daughter's name and I'm sure assault could be a charge added to your record" I replied

"Fine. Kingsley do it" his dad says

Chris stood there holding Belle who climbed out after hearing screaming.

"I am sorry for bullying you. I deserved this black eye and you hitting me with the textbook. I'll never bully you ever again" he says

I shoved the mom and looked at Chris.

"Get in her in the car and let's go home," I tell him

Once we were home Belle ran up to me and hugged me. I picked her up and carried her inside.

"Thank you so much for defending me," she says

"I'd do anything for you as would your dad," I tell her

"I know," she says

"Well you're welcome," I tell her as I rub her back as I walk into the house and our phones start blowing up with notifications about the video people took.

"I'm taking her out of that school and I myself will homeschool her. I have all the qualifications. and if I don't she'll do online classes. I will not allow her to be bullied and that pissy school does nothing." I tell Chris

"There's the school I attended that she could go to," he says

"That's in Boston Love" I replied

"Right, and you always said you'd live there if needed" he replied

"Alright let's go live in Boston" I replied

"We will be around grand and my cousins as well as aunts and uncle," Belle says

"And you'll be attending the school daddy did," I replied

"Which has a serious strick anti bullying rule and they will do anything and everything to prevent it" Chris informed her

"I don't wanna be bullied anymore," she says

"As long as there are breaths in our body we will not allow it to be brushed aside like your old school tried," I tell her

She opened her arm and Chris walked over and she wrapped her arms around us hugging us close.

Both of us kissed her temple as she held us close to her.

complete)Henry, Chris ( E), Seb Stan Imagine  (not edited)Where stories live. Discover now