they do your makeup ( Bucky)

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In order to help Bucky know that regardless of his arm being made to cause pain and damage that it can do good. 

when he asked me how that was possible I grabbed his hand lead him to the room where I had my makeup set out.

"you will use that hand to do my make up. I placed the steps close to my make up so you will know what goes on first ,where it goes, and what to use to apply it. " I tell him

"so you want me to you my metal arem to do your makeup in order to show that I can do good things with it?" He asked

"right, its one of the many things that you will use that arm for helping people or to be gentle with it." I replied

"alright we'll give it a try" he says

I smiled pushed my hair back out of the way before took and had him sit down then I sat before him and closed my eyes.

"you know I trust you more then anyone else. so I know that you'd never intentionally harm me." I state

"thank you for your faith and trust in me" he says as he starts.

"its nothing you wouldn't do had this been the other way around." I replied

I knew without looking at him he was smirking.

"I don't know if I'd allow you to put make up on me though" he says

"no but there is other possible ways to show that not everything about your past has to haunt you and keep you thinking your a machine that is only good to harm or kill. that your a human with good heart and intentions to help and protect." I comment

We sat there talking about many different things. Like how they wanted him to go to a psychiatrist to get him when h told them he didn't want someone to judge him and make him feel worse that he rather get help from someone he trusts more than anything.

"Let me guess Steve told you he'd be busy with being Captain?" I asked

"yep that's what he said and I told him it wasn't him I was referring to which shocked him." he replied,

"they should know with the amount of times we've been spending together that it's me you trust and has been since we first met." I said

"Nat guessed it and Wanda knew only due to reading my mind. while the others were a bit surprised but then after thinking about it they understood and realized it was the best thing to do since you've helped me thus far."

"So Bucky shall I start charging you?" I joked

"in what?" 

"Kisses and Lovins of course" I replied

" I can pay in that no problem."

I smirked before feeling him peck my lips.

After that we sat in comfortable silence as he got closer to finishing up.

"this is actually working" he states

"see I told you that it's be a way to show that using your laft hand and arm is more then to cause damage." I replied

"thank you for that" he says

 "no problem at all" I tell him

"what will this cost me?" he asked

"hmmmm..." I say

"What no lovins or kisses?" he asked

"this was something more important so it has to be a big pay back" I answered

"alright." he says

"How bout you pay me back by forever being mine?"

"I already am yours" he says

"No I mean marry me James"

He pulled back and I opened my eyes looking at him.

"really?" he asked

I nodded my head.

"I want to be your wife and I want you as my husband" I tell him

He smiled brightly.

"Yes a hundred thousand times" he tells me

I grin and pulled him to me giving him a kiss before letting him go.

"alright please finish cause this cause for a great celebration" I say recloing my eyes and waiting for him to go back.

"Yes ma'm" he replied

I give a soft smile as he goes back to finishing up my make up.

Once he completes the job I opened my eyes and look at the mirror he holds up.

"Oh bucky this is amazing, much better then what I had ever done my first time applying ,making up. "I praised 

"nothing's weird or missplaced?"

"no baby this is just how its suppose to go." 

He smiled and placed the mirror down and kissed me again.

"Now lets go out to eat then come back and do the horizontal mambo" I say jumping up and going to grab my things.

Hearing Bucky laugh makes my day.

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