you're n-not, um,w-wearing anything under that

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We were outside talking well I was talking more than Stephen cause he was busty dinging up relishes and pulling turnips.

"Need help?" I asked walking over to him and bending down to help.

"you're n-not, um, w-wearing anything under that are you?" he asked

I looked at him and smiled seeing his pink cheeks.

"Wanna find out?" I asked

"what?" he asked

I stood up and brushed the dirt off my hands.

"it's not like we've never done dirty things before darling" I state

"no, I know. I was just taken by surprise," he says

I smiled and took his hand removing the shovel before I walked off with I'm behind me to the stage coach barn and headed up to the top loft.

 "come up here and have fun with me" I tell him as I leaned over the door way and smiled down at him.

He gulped before climbing up the ladder.

I smiled and closed the lid locking it so we wouldn't be disturbed.

"over on the bed darling" I gestured towards the small bed that I had for when I come to relax and be alone.

I walked over and sat by him.

"I am giving you the opportunity right now to leave and I'd never bring this up to you ever again." I tell him

He nodded his head

"so if you don't wanan make love with me then now is your chance to go" I tell him

"I wanan stay" he says

I nodded my head and leaned close to him taking my time as I kissed him and removed his shirt.

"I know we've gave each other oral and never done anything else. but if you want we can do much more" I tell him

"I do. I love you and you love me. so why not fully commit our bodies as one" he says

I smiled and laid him down before I stood and stripped.

He smiled

"I knew you was bare under that dress" he says

"you was right" I tell him before I got down on my knees straddling his waist.

"touch me Stephen" I tell him

he slowly creases my body and leaves tingles in his wake.

"I love the feeling of your hands touching me. and I don't care if they are worker's hands they are yours and I love everything about you" I tell him

He sits up and cups my face kissing me as he turns us and lays me down before he starts trailing kisses along my body.

doing as e had done before he pleases my core and brings me to orgasms.

"I want you now Stephen" I tell him

He nodded his head before petitioning himself between my legs.

"will it hurt?" he asked

"for you no. for me a bit" I answered


"you are the first to be inside me so you will break my innocent barrier " I explained

"I don't wanan hurt you" he says

"I promise its not long lasting and its perfectly normal" I tell him

"tell me if it lasts longer than normal" he says

"I will" I promised

When he pushes through my barriers I grip his shoulder and whined.

He pushed deeper inside me before settling.

"you ok?" he asked

"I'm perfect. it didn't last but a short minute" I tell him

"good, I hate when your in pain" he says

"that's one of the things I love about you," I say before pulling him down to me and kissing him.

we spend a great majority of the day and half the evening making love.

complete)Henry, Chris ( E), Seb Stan Imagine  (not edited)Where stories live. Discover now