Howdy Sherrif

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Millies Diner was the only one in the little town of Meade. So we'd be pretty busy on some days while others were like ghost towns.

Millies is where I met my husband the sheriff Mr. Lee bodecker. he walked in the door one late night as I was about to close up and he helped himself to the counter seat. 

I gave him one look and I could tell it had been one of those nights.

"Howdy Sherrif." I greeted

he gave a half smile.

" black strong coffee with an omelet for you?" I asked

"if its not trouble" he replied

"I couldn't let the sheriff stave after he had a long tiring night dealing with law breakers and other shenanigans" I replied before I grabbed a coffee cup and pored it before I handed it over then disappeared in the back.

I spent all that night talking with him as I cooked his food before I walked back to him and handed it over.

"you let me know if you need anything else, ya hear" I tell him

"Well do," he said

After that night he started to become a regular of mine. half the time we'd flirt carelessly other times it be a silent conversation and I'd get him the usual.

He finally got around to asking me out, I of course told him yes. so he took me on a picnic by the lake and from that point forth we've considered it our spot. 

"Alright, sheriff's wifey you got closing so have fun and stay say," My boss says as she smiled at me then bid me a good night.

"will do. you stay safe out there now" I tell her

"I will," she says before fully leaving.

I started cleaning up as well las managing the till before biding my customers a goodnight before I gathered my tips, cleaned the table then wiped it down before I headed to the back where I cleaned everything up.

the moment I herd the little bell ding telling me a customer had walked in I cleaned my hands and headed out.

"well Howdy Sherrif" I greeted

LEe looked at me and smiled.

"Hi darling" he replied

"the usual?" I asked

"something different if you will" he says

"I know just the things for you sugar" I tell him before I grabbed him some coffee then a cup of Organge juice then disappeared in the back and made up one mean scrambler.

"here you are darling" I replied placing the food before him.

"this looks so delieous baby. what is it?" 

"my secret scrambler" I tell him

"how come you've never made it before?" he asked before taking a bite.

"I forgot all about it till just recent" I replied

He looked at me with wide eyes.

"damn darling this is delicious. I am seriously gonna make love to the cook" he says

I chuckled before leaning over the counter and pecking his lips.

"won't hear her complaining," I tell him before I refill his juice and go back to cleaning the place up.

I fliped the sign and locked the door so no one else could come in.

"you sure do know all parts of this place huh?" he asked

"seen here since I was sixteen and I'm now in my late twenties. so yea I guess you can say I know this diner like the back of my hand." 

Once he finished his scrambler and downed his juice he pulled me into his arms and kissed the breath from my body.

"well thanks for that for of gratitude for the food I made ya." I tell him

"Honey that's not half of it," he says

"Hmmm.. cant wait for the other half" I tell him before gathering his empty dishes and heading to the back 

He came to the back and gave me company as I finished cleaning up back there then handled the till money and locked that all up before turning all the lights off and made sure everything else that was needed to be turned off was off before Lee and I left.

When we got home he did just like he told me. he made love to the cook and much more.

complete)Henry, Chris ( E), Seb Stan Imagine  (not edited)Where stories live. Discover now