do you regret our marriage? (requested)

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leaving early part 2)

I sat at the kitchen counter as I messed with my wedding band and just though of all the possible reasons he'd do me like he done. why he'd embrass me and humiliate me. and the only reason I can come up with is he regrets our marraige.

I blinked out of thought when I heard him and Kal walking in from the morning run.

I laid my ring down on the kitchen counter and turned so I was facing the kitchen entry way.

"I need to talk with you." I tell him

"what no fighting?" he asked

"I'm being serious Henry" I tell him

he walked in and seen my wedding band off my finger laying beside me. and the look he had told me he noticed I was being dead serious.

"alright what do you wanna tal about?" he asked

"I sat here thinking of reasons why you did what you had done to me. and the only thing that came to mind was you regretting our marriage." I tell him

He looks at me a little stunned.

"so I will ask you. and I don't want bullshit lies or anything from you. just the truth." I say

"alright ask." he says

"do you regret our marriage?" I asked

"No." he says

"that was awful fast reply." 

"I don't need to think about my answer cause I don't regret marrying you and you being my wife. I wanted you to be the one to carry my last name so I asked you to be my bride." he says

"than why did you do that to me?" I asked

"I have gotten used to going alone or with my mom and her telling me to go spend time with my costars," he says

I sighed and rubbed my face.

"Next time you have a movie or show premier don't ask me to attend cause I won't allow you to pull this stunt on me again. I won't allow the feeling of humiliation and embarrassment to occur. next just go alone." I tell him

"I am sorry for what happened. I know my excuse is shitty and I am sorry. please don't divorce me and leave me." he says

He walked over and stood between my legs.

"I regret humiliating you and embarrassing you. I regret my actions that night so much." he says

"I wasn't gonna leave without knowing the truth about you regreting our marriage. if you had said yes I'd told you how much I love and then I would have packed my things and gone." I tell him

He nodded is head understanding where I was coming from.

"I will do all I can to make it up to you. I am so sorry for my actions" he says

"thank you for talking to me calmly unlike last night. and thank you for apologizing." I tell him before I  grabbed my ring and slipped it back on my finger.

He tilted my head up and kissed me.


A/n: Hope you liked this

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