Re: Slayer Season 1 Scriptum

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Welcome to the Scriptum of Re: Slayer Season 1. Where I will be going chapter by chapter. Reflecting on the story and give some explanations for some of the choices I made.

But first a little history of why I decided to do this fanfic. It all started when I was reading some Re: Zero fanfic prompts on AO3 and I came across a prompt where Subaru is a demon slayer that uses Mist Breathing. One of the plot points is that in his duel with Julius ends with a draw and I wonder how would a duel go between a knight from Re: Zero and a demon slayer.

Then I remembered that I made a Godzilla x KNY Self insert OC by name of Kaoi.

Which was a portmanteau of the Japanese words, Kaen and Aoi(Flames and Blue) because He originally uses Godzilla breathing which mimics Godzilla's atomic breath. Which also makes his sword originally atomic blue.

Point is, that this spurred me into deciding to do a Re: Zero fanfic that stars Kaoi. I then made some revisions to his character. Like making him the Tsuguko of Rengoku, using Flame Breathing, and giving him empath powers. I got started with the first chapter and the rest is history.

Chapter 1: To Start From Zero

As one can probably tell when I started writing this story, I was doing it on the fly and it is not ideal. I don't really have much to say about the first chapter. It was an okay start to what soon became my hobby.

Chapter 2: Thief Seekers

It was in this chapter that I realize that I was going to be writing a lot of dialogue.

Oh boy was I tired at the end of this chapter

I thought it would be funny for Kaoi not to have any idea what an elf is since he is from Taisho Era Japan. Along with Emilia's reaction, no someone apparently does not know what an elf is.

A recton to note, I originally wrote that Kaoi had two siblings but after seeing they seem to have a small impact on his character. I change it to make it that he has only a little sister named Rozu. This would shape his interactions with others that remind him of Rozu.

Then there is Kaoi's empath power that is introduced in this chapter. Yeah, I wanted to give him something similar to the enhanced senses of the Kamaboko Squad so I decided to give him the ability to detect emotions.

Chapter 3: The Bowel Demon

From the title, I call certain Re: Zero character demons, and like the demons of KNY they had thrown away their humanity in the pursuit of a single goal. I think Elsa would fit in the KNY universe as a fast demon that enjoys exclusively eating bowels.

Also, this is the first chapter to be in the third person.

Then there is his newfound fire magic. As explained in the next arc, Kaoi channels his mana through his sword. I thought it be neat to make the visual representation of the show and manga real with the use of magic. However, for now, this would prove detrimental to Kaoi as he suffers from mana exhaustion as his gate is connected to Total Concentration Breathing. Making him tire out more easily and pass out at the end

Chapter 4: An Strange Morning

At the start of Arc 2, I knew I wanted one plot point to happen, Kaoi will have to fight Rem and win. But besides that, I had no real plan in place.

When I wrote this interaction between Kaoi and Beatrice. I modeled Kaoi's soul after what we have seen in Mugen train. So his gate exists in the realm of the subconscious. Thanks to Total Concentration: Constant, the gate runes a magical shield that prevents stuff like spirits from messing with his soul as long as he has mana.

Re: Slayer - The Flame Tsuguko in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now