Chapter 33: The Witches' Teaparty

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Kaoi said nothing as he glared at the smiling witch. He takes a deep breath before getting up and taking a seat.

Echidna: Allow me to explain the trial. Just like the first one, the second trial puts you in a world recreated from your memories. It's a thoroughly well-constructed unreality. However, an outside factor seems to have affected the second trial.

Kaoi: Me

Echidna: Which leads us to the second thing you want to know...

Kaoi: Who is Subaru Natsuki?

Echidna: Hmm... he was someone very dear to a mutual acquaintance of ours. Long ago he captured her heart and she captured his. The two have been infatuated with each other ever since. Even after four centuries in her imprisonment, she was able to give him a gift or at least that's what she had thought...

Kaoi: So Return by Death...

Echidna: Was intended to be given to him and thus was the one supposed to meet that incompetent girl that day, to save the children from the wolgarm pack, to strategize the defeat of the White Whale and Sloth and finally was the one that was supposed to be sitting across from me right now.

Kaoi: Then where is he?

Echidna: Probably in his own world. Such a shame too. I was really hoping to meet him again.

Kaoi: In his own world? Wait so you're telling me that my presence here was a-

Echidna: Complete accident. A shame to admit but not even I know why you came here instead of him.

Kaoi: Why did he leave then? If Satella and Subaru were that important to each other then why did he leave after imprisonment? How would he have come back after 400 years?

Echidna: Time works in strange ways between worlds. Though that is just my theory.

Kaoi: So... I was never intended to be here... I wasn't supposed to meet Emi, Ram, Beatrice, Otto, Garfiel or any of the others... I was supposed to be back home... So what was shown to me... Upper Moon Three.. Rengoku's death... did that all really happen?

Echidna: It is certainly possible what you saw did transpire. Without your involvement of course. Although with how unusual this second trial appears to be. It is certainly a high probability.

Kaoi: So then Rengoku-sama is most likely...

Echidna: I'm afraid so but remember what he said "Dry your eyes, and look ahead. You may feel like digging your heels in, but the flow of time waits for no one." I know that you have given all of your strength, physical and mental, to survive thus far. Not a single thing you've experienced on your way to this point has been a waste. You have arrived at this moment by doing everything in your power, at the risk of your own life. That's something you should be proud of.

Kaoi: Echidna, why are you saying these things? Why are you help me?

Echidna looks away bashfully.

Echidna: I think it's a little mean to force a girl to spell that out for you.

She then turns back to Kaoi.

Echidna: Would you be willing to form a contract with me, Kaoi?

Kaoi: A contract?

Echidna: Yes, a formal contract with the Witch of Greed. Would you enter into one with me?

Kaoi: What would be the terms?

Echidna: It's very simple. From now on, whenever you run into an obstacle you can't overcome, when you feel you're being crushed by the weight of your mission, I will give you my support. I'm confident in the amount of knowledge I have. I should be able to come up with a way for you to deal with any problem. Above all, I can share in your Return by Death ability.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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