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It was a sunny day with the street busy with people going about their day in the street of London. The blond hair has checked his wrist watch for the nth time already as he looked around hoping to sight the younger.

"Young master, you flight will be leaving soon. You need to check in" the blond could here his butler say for the third time since they arrived the airport.

"Just a few more minutes. He promised to be here" He responded checking his phone hoping to find him calling back.

He gulped down the lump that was forming in his throat as he raised his head to fight back tears.

Please make it baby!


"Oh sorry!" The brunet apologized to the nth person he had bumped into as he ran through the busy street down to the airport. His leg muscles are fatigue and his lungs have reached its capacity but he can't stop. He kept pushing through the crowd trying to avoid hitting people as much as possible.

He checked his wristwatch to see he was more than 40 minutes late, he had stupidly left his phone in Mark's car he abandoned in traffic.

He kept praying in his head to meet the older before he leaves. He promised he was going to see him to the airport but the exams took longer than he planned. Mark had volunteered to drive him to the airport and it seems the universes was just against him today because the roads are blocked, he had to abandon the car and take to foot.

Jungkook kept pushing his body to run further even when it felt like it was going to collapse any seconds.

Immediately the airport came in sight he bit his lower lips pushing with his last strength just few more steps he encouraged himself.

When he got to the entrance and almost dropped to the floor, he rested his hands on his knees as he breaths hard to catch every necessary air into his body. He quickly looked around to see the familiar blond, his butler or just anything to say he hasn't left yet.

He ran forward looking around, he ran into the departure area hoping and praying the older hasn't left yet.

It was more than 10 minutes since he got into the airport running and looking around but there was no sign of the older. He had checked the flight earlier and it had less than an hour to depart meaning there was still hopes.

After about 30 minutes and the flight had departed did he given up. He walked out of the airport with his heart still beating fast and him trying his hardest not to break down and start crying in front of hundreds of people.

He kept exhaling with his mouth trying to calm his racing heart and teary eyes, he bit his lips. He can't believe he just missed his chance to say a proper goodbye to the older after he promised.

"Almost thought you wouldn't make it" Jungkook heard the deep voice say and he turned his head so fast he might have twisted it but who cares. When he eyes came in contact with the blond all the effort he was putting to hold back the tears just went in vain and the tears came streaming down his cheeks like an ocean.

He ran into the older's arms and cried out of relief. "I thought I missed you" he cried harder as he held the older tighter onto himself.

"Such a cry baby" The older chulcked as he combed his fingers through the younger's hair trying to calm him down. Jungkook just kept crying into the older's chest not minding that he was probably ruining the outfit as long as the older doesn't complain.

The blond kept smoothening him as he left gentle kisses on the top his head till his tears calmed down. "Feeling better?" He asked which Jungkook nodded into his chest.

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