Chapter 1

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Five years later...

Jungkook did not know that been a surgeon is so stressful most especially when still a residence doctor. All the senior doctor treat them less than a nurse, yet leave most of the after care to them.

For earth sakes he graduated one of the best student in his set, finished his one year internship with Seoul National university hospital among the best five and got transferred to the biggest private hospital in Seoul (Kim's specialist hospital).

It was a dream come through for him when he got the opportunity but it doesn't feel like a dream right now. He's been here for three months and his lead surgeon takes him for a fool. He was supposed to be an assistant not a page boy. His ideas are shut off, he is not given the opportunity to participate properly in the theater room and given loads and loads of patients to take care of.

He sighed for the nth time that morning. He was at the reception at the Accident & Emergency ward (A&E). As a general surgeon who is still a resident doctor this is basically his office.

His routine goes like this, arrive here before the main surgeon (Dr Min) his team comes, check all the surgeries scheduled for the day, check wards for their patients that still in aftercare, make sure the theater is ready, manage to eat breakfast, give reports and updates to Dr. Min and then surgeries after surgeries and immediately after care probably not have lunch, watch and monitor patients till his shift is over and he runs home and pass out in his bed. The beautiful thing about this is all the credit goes to the main surgeon when he and the others resident doctors do all the jobs.

"Dr Jeon?!" Jungkook heard the head nurse call for him and he closed his eyes suppressing the urge to just scream at her to leave him alone. There are other Doctors around. He finally turned around to face Nurse Yeon with a fake smile plastered across is tired face.

"An ambulance is coming and we need more doctors on standby" she stated grabbing stuffs from the desk.

"H-huh, I have my hands full, can you get someone else" Jungkook stated not interested, he used to be excited to attend to a patient, be able to save someone from pain or death but not anymore not when his hardwork is just taken for someone else glory. Plus there are tens of doctors down there that morning.

"It's a fatal accident dr. Jeon. We have a seven months pregnant woman bleeding out and her heart is not keeping up. That is the report reaching me and you want me to call just any resident doctor? In the absence of a main surgeon you are the best we have" she explained in one breath

Jungkook left the files he was going through and started walking with the nurse to the entrance as he wears his surgical masks and gloves ready to give immediately treatment.

"Page Dr Jung to get ready to deliver the baby" he instructed one of the nurses walking with them.

Just as they got to the door the ambulance arrived, the nurses and premedical are already pushing the pregnant woman into the emergency ward.

"Update!" Jungkook requested the nurse and premedics

"Pulse is 52, heart beat is dropping from 50/85, hemorage from the head...."

"Monitor the blood pressure, we can't afford for her to go into bradycardia"

Jungkook instructed, as he personally checked her pulse and BP to be sure she is still in the safe zone, he examined the patient as they pushed her through the halls towards the theater for any more injuries, fractures and make sure the only source of bleeding was the head but they need to get her into surgery if they want to safe the baby.

They met the gynaecologist surgery team in theater when they got in. He sighed out in relief. After updating Dr Jung and was about to leave Hoseok stopped him.

"Get kitted Dr Jeon. We will need a general surgeon here"

Jungkook sighed in defeat as he approached the washing sink to get ready. This was going to be a very long day.

It was past 12am Jungkook made it out of the theater after the long complicated surgery he assisted in.

The pregnant woman had a lot of complications adding to the premature delivery of her baby. Luck was by her side tho as she made it out alive with her baby.

Jungkook was currently changing his outfit not patient enough to take a shower first. He needed to get home immediately because he was supposed to close 8pm but four extra hours added which no one will care about if he appears here late tomorrow.

As he walked pass the nurses on night duty he could hear them mumbling something's among themselves and if he recollect properly he heard something of the same line among the nurse in the theater earlier.

"I heard he is back" one of the nurses said

"Really?! After two years"another nurse exclaimed

"Yes, I can imagine the long line of cardio problems that will flood here upon his arrival"

"I can't wait to see his handsome face" the other nurse said dreamily

"Better stop daydreaming, I heard he is engaged to that model"

Jungkook rolled his eyes for the nth time waiting for the elevator to bring him to the ground floor faster so he can get away from the gossip nurses.

Immediately he got home and barely managing to take a shower he passed out totally forgetting to have dinner not like he had lunch.

He only wished they could agree to schedule like a regular doctor but he is just unlucky, never given a listening ears of how his shift is too much for him.


Doctors have officially began!

Let's enjoy it together.


I purple you


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