Chapter 26

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Taehyung's excitement is about to give him a heart attack. He opened his phone to read the text for the nth time since he woke

"I don't want to leave us in the hand of fate anymore."

And attached to the text was a copy of a flight ticket from Europe to Korea which left about 10hrs ago last night.

If taehyung didn't have a patient on critical condition he would have just driven straight to the airport and waited the next two hours for the love of his life to run into his arms.

After two hours of making sure all his patients were in the right condition and he wouldn't be needed in the hospital for the rest of the day, he quickly walked to his car and started driving to the airport.

If he is correct, their flight should have arrived causing him to dial the younger's number.The phone rang a few times but wasn't picked up so he assumed the younger was still checking out.

He turned up his radio as he happily hummed along the music. He was really giddy. As he approached the airport the traffic started getting slower, he followed the slow traffic almost bouncing on his seat impatiently fighting the urge to press on the horn.

He imagined what he should do to make up it to his Angel for this past years. Yeah, Jungkook loved chocolates and his surprising dates. He should look up all the best places to have dates in Seoul.

That's true, this was the first time Jungkook was staying in Korea so there are lots of places to take him.

He is going to spoil him with chocolate like old times. Wait, he is all grown now so he will just spoil him with expensive gifts instead.

Taehyung squealed in excitement. He missed this feeling so much. The feeling of loving Jungkook with everything he has.

It used to hurt so much to acknowledge he was still inlove with the younger when he already lost him but now been able to freely and truly express it was a breath of fresh air, That he can't help smiling so widely.

After a couple minutes he came across a crash which seem to be the cause of the traffic. He took a closer look to be sure no one was in the crash. He continued driving when the scene looks like the ambulance has come to pick the victims which he mentally hoped the victims were okay.

The airport finally came to view causing the excitement to come up again. He pulled up on the parking lot and rested his head on the steeling wheel trying to calm his nervousness and hopped out of the car when he felt a little better.

He decided to wait outside since the younger would be out anytime soon.

It was thirty minutes later he noticed he might have missed the younger on his way here so he decided to enter the airport and check if their flight had arrived which he confirmed the flight from Europe had arrived an hour ago causing him to frown.

Could he have missed Jungkook?

He quickly dialed his number again which started ringing as he walked back to his car. The call dropped after a longer ring and no one picked up causing him to dial it for the second time.

It rang and just before it was about to hang up the call was picked but the voice that came through was not Jungkook.

"Hello?" The female voice came causing taehyung to frown, pulling the phone out of his ear to check if it was Jungkook's number he really dialed.

"Hello, isn't this Jungkook's phone?" He asked in confusion after confirming he dialed the right number.

"Mister, are you a guardian of the owner of this phone as he was in an accident and we ne..."

"What! Accident?!" Taehyung whispered as he was suddenly out of strength as if his soul left his body.

How is Jungkook in an accident?

"This is Seoul general hospital, this patient was rushed in about thirty minutes ago, this phone alongside a wallet identifying the victim to be Dr. Jeon Jungkook was among his things. Luckily you called because We need a guardian to sign for his surgery..."

"Surgery?! What surgery, how bad is it?" Already driving towards the general hospital as he composed himself for the initial shock.

"We can only give more details when you come to the hospital" the nurse about to hang up but taehyung quickly asked.

"What surgery is he having?" He demanded even though he knows they won't let that information out till he gets there so he quickly changed the question "Okay. Please can you tell me if he is conscious or if it's a major surgery he is having?" He pleaded and the nurse from the other side seem to be considering giving out such information over the phone.

"It was a really bad accident that his face is unrecognizable, that all we can tell you right now. Please hurry up" the nurse hang up.

The phone slid down taehyung's ear as he had gotten to the scene of the accident he drove past earlier and it is only now he is seeing the accident in details. A heavy trunk had crushed a car almost beyond recognition and another car that slightly missed the crash by a hair almost getting crushed as well.

"I'm bad luck to him. I only bring him bad omen. All this happened because I held onto him again"

Taehyung cried out loudly as he hit the steeling wheel with his head.

"All I have ever done was hurt him again again"

His eyes were getting blurry with the heavy tears pouring out and it was getting more difficult to breath with his sobbing.

"I shouldn't have met with him before he left. I caused him yet another pain"

He cried out loudly And before he knew it he was having an attack again. All the while still driving.


We are back!

Jungkook was in an accident?

You shouldn't be crying and driving!

See you in the next chapter

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