Chapter 31

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"Have you seen it yet?"

"No, Jungkook"

"How can you misplace my engagement ring on the same day"

"You were about to fall, you wanted me to protect the ring before you?"

"You could have done the two together!" Jungkook yelled before sniffing already caught a cold from the rain earlier. He woke up to a worried Taehyung and the first thing he did was look at his left fingers but there was a ring. He initially thought he dreamt it but found out it wasn't and Taehyung had dropped the ring out of panic so here they were in the middle of the cold night looking for the ring in the muddy soil with their phone light.

"I already apologized and promised to get you another one" Taehyung mumbled meekly

"It's not the same"

"I will design the exact same one, baby"

"It was customized? and I didn't even get to see it once" Jungkook said sadly feeling like crying again

"I said we would get the exact same type" Taehyung approached the younger pulling him into his arms.

"We cannot relive that moment again" Jungkook said burying his face into the older's warn embrace

"If you want, we can recreate the scene tho I didn't plan for it to happen like that"

"Exactly, it can't be recreated, the feeling can't be the same. The feeling of my soul leaving my overly excited body"

"And you passing out" taehyung teased causing Jungkook to push him away proceeding to look for the ring.

"Come on kook, it's late, dark and cold out here, let's go inside before your cold gets worse".

It all went into deaf ears as the younger kept searching firbtge customized ring and breaking down every five minutes saying it was badluck if the ring isn't found.

Well- they never found it.


"Of course I am going to be the best man!" Jimin announced

"That's fine but who are you going to be his best man?" Hoseok asked with a teasing smile.

Jimin paused and looked back at the couple who happen to be both his best friend.


"Well?" Jin urged curiously

"Don't rush me. I can't choose!" He shush Jin in annoyance.

Everybody was looking at him crack his head on a decision, which was amusing.

"You know you can't be their both best man, it's one or the other" Namjoon decided to join in on the conversation.

"Fucking chose already, be lucky we are giving you an opportunity to chose because you are their both "best friend" Hoseok said getting impatient as well. He couldn't wait fir taehyung reaction upon his decision.

"So... Jungkook would look better with me by his side" he finally decided pitching a giggling Jungkook's cheeks not minding the gasp sound coming from around him.

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