Chapter 12

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Jungkook sat quietly at the end of the cafeteria as his fingers holding unto a pencil brushed on his drawing book.

It was early Sunday morning, so the place wasn't very noisy, the little chattering of the people inside the cafe was calming enough to help his imagination as he continued to stretch. He grabbed his milkshake bring it to his mouth only to notice it was empty.

"Another cup for you" he heard the very familiar deep voice speak to him causing him to raise his head to be met with the blond who took the seat in front him without asking as usual.

Been too lazy to get up and get his own drink, he took the offered milkshake with a small thank you to the older who smiled at the accepted drink.

"This is the first time we are meeting outside the school library" taehyung started the conversation as usual to which Jungkook responded with a nod of his head. "You are really good at drawing" he said observing the younger's drawing book.

Jungkook suddenly stopped drawing before looking up at the older who only gave him a wide smile "Are you trying to be friends with me?" He asked waiting for the older to say yes so he can kindly reject his friendship.

"No." Taehyung shugged

Jungkook was taken aback a little at the response, if he wasn't trying to be friends why the hell is he showing up everywhere. He rolled his eyes picking up his pen again.

"If you are not trying to be friends then stop showing up in front of me" Jungkook mumbled raising the milkshake to take a sip not understand why he cared moreover he would have still rejected the friendship.

"I'm serious about not wanting to be friends because I am trying to make you my boyfriend" Taehyung responded causing the younger to almost choke on his drink.

Jungkook hiccups looking up at the older who was smiling at him.

Jungkook walked into the club after checking in his name with the security. The place was very exotic, doesn't look cheap at all.

He looked around for the way to the VIP area as explained in the text from Jimin. He found a stairs which he walk towards. He could feel eyes on him as he walked pass the dancing people causing him to feel conscious about the outfit Jimin had picked for him.

The silk shirt was resting on his body and because he didn't wear any undershirt it was showing all his upper body structure, the neck was a little open not sure if it came with a few missing buttons or it was Jimin that removed them himself. The jean was a bit too fitted on his thighs but not uncomfortable. All in all the outfit was okay and the best thing about it is that it was all blank matching with his boot and black hair.

"Hey Jungkookie" he heard Jimin call out as he walked into the VIP Area "You are looking hot!" He exclaimed whistling as he turned around the younger to check him out properly.

Meanwhile Jungkook was frozen in his spot as the eyes staring back at him were half the senior doctors from his hospital. What the hell! Jimin didn't tell him about clubbing with his seniors.

"Come let me introduce you" he pulled the younger further into the room. They walked pass everyone straight to the table he was hoping not to go to.

"Oh Jungkook!" Hosoek exclaimed at sighting the younger been pulled by Jimin towards them. Jungkook bowed in greetings to the elders. Everyone from the get together was here expect the raven to Jungkook's relief.

"Oh, you know them already" Jimin asked pulling the younger to take a seat.

"Of course, we all know Dr Jeon" hosoek said to which the other three nodded in agreement. "You are looking really good by the way Jungkook" hosoek complimented looking the younger up and down to admire the beautiful creation of God.

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