Chapter 24

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Jungkook looked around his room to be sure he wasn't leaving anything out. After confirming his Uber outside he dragged his box outside but was surprisedly met with Mr Yung.

"Hello Jungkook, do you have a few minutes to spare. I will like to share something very important".

Jungkook stared at his watch to see he still had few hours to his flight causing him to nod and opened the door for the bulter to come in. Not forgetting to cancel his ride.

Two days before the breakup at the airport...

Taehyung just finished his papers and walked into his apartment alongside his butler but was shocked at the sight of his father.


"Don't you dad me! You ungrateful child!" Mr Kim said surprising taehyung and Mr Yung who wasn't sure if he should step out. "What is this that I hear that your fooling around with a boy?!"

"Dad, he is not just any boy..."

"Shut the hell up! I agreed that you study your course of choice and this is how you want to repay me?!" Mr Kim yelled at him causing Taehyung to be both scared and shocked.

He doesn't know his father to be homophobic, infact his older brother Namjoon is openingly gay.

"Dad what is the problem, I have been good. The best grades, obeyed everything you have ever wanted so why can't I be with someone I want" Taehyung asked confused

"Oh no. You can't just decide on that, I have a political carrier that is depending on you and we agreed I will allow you purse your study of choice and in return you will return to purse my political career for the upcoming election!"

"I can still very much do that dad..."

"You want to run my political campaign in a country where homosexuality is illegal as gay?" Mr Kim yelled"You know what? I am talking too much, get your things right this minute, we are leaving for Korea today!"

Taehyung panicked at that. He can't just leave "Dad, I can't just leave. I just concluded my exams and have a lot of things to clear"

"I will settle that" Mr Kim answered while typing away on his phone to send an email to taehyung school that he is leaving the country.

"I have to say goodbye to my friends..." Taehyung is full on panicking and looking for any excuse

"I know you are talking about that boyfriend of yours and if you don't want to get on my last nerve don't mention him again!"

"You can not do this to me! I am not just a kid you can command anyhow you wan...." Taehyung's outburst was cut off with a slap across his face.

"You don't raise your voice at me! You are very much my kid, your everything, this image and your very existence is because of me and if you don't want me to get rid of that boy for good better get packing!"

The pain on the younger's cheek completely became numb at the mention of getting rid of Jungkook coming out of his father's mouth. He knows his father doesn't throw around empty threats most especially when it is something that's threating his reputation.

Tears involuntary came down his cheeks as he bowed his head to hide his weakness from his father. What else can he do? He can't just leave without telling Jungkook he was leaving. He can't even ask for a few minutes to break the news when he was still writing exams.

He just needs a few days for the younger to finish his papers to say a proper goodbye. With this he went down on his knees, both hands place on his both knee and head bowed in total submission and pleaded with his father to please give a week to get ready to return back to Korea.

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