Chapter 25

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Taehyung ran into the airport departure area praying in his head that he isn't late. He looked around to see if he would see the familar figure but there was no sight of him.

After a few minutes of running around the airport he was giving up and blaming his shitty luck.

"You came."

Taehyung turns around so fast at the sound of the familiar voice and there he was, the love of his life standing in the flesh.

"Hi" he greeted akwardly to which Jungkook raised a brow at him.

"Saw your resignation letter and I heard you are moving back to Europe?" He asked and Jungkook nodded again not breaking eye contact.

"You are moving back for good?" He asked and gulped not anticipating the response and watch as the younger took his time just staring back at him and just as he was about to get a glimpse of hope that the younger would come back, Jungkook nodded looking away causing his heart to drop into his stomach.

"I guess this is goodbye then?" Taehyung asked as he gulped down the bile crawling up his intestine.

This isn't want he had in mind but truthful he had nothing in mind. Immediately he saw the resignation letter on his desk he had called Mr Yung to confirm the Location of the younger only to be told that he was heading to the airport and his body was on pilot mode from there and he found himself at the airport seeking the younger like he would die if he doesn't see him before he leaves.

And there is the part of him that is telling him to just leave all the risk involved and just grab the younger's hand and never let go.

Jungkook just stared at Taehyung in disbelief, he was hoping for something else but I guess he was just expecting too much afterall.

He doesn't trust his voice to respond right now so he just nodded and gave a bow to say goodbye before turning around to leave.

As he took steps after steps away from Taehyung as his heart beat accelerated.

'This was it! The final end of them'

He felt his hand tremble causing him to squeeze tightly on the handle of the bag he was carrying. This was it and there is no turning back from here.

"I am still inlove with you, kook." He suddenly heard causing him to halt in his step and all movement around him seemed to stop as well

"I never for once stopped" He heard the older say again and a shaky breath of relief he didn't know he was holding left him.

"I wanted to make sure I atleast made that clear. I have never stopped loving you and don't ever plan on stopping"

Jungkook finally turned towards the older and saw he was at the verge of crying. When he met eyes with Taehyung this time he saw it. The sparkles that always light up in his eyes whenever they saw each other back then.

"What about your fiance?" Jungkook asked as he watched the older doctor take careful steps towards him.

"I never had a fiance, that was all my father's doing"

"And her pregnancy?" Jungkook asked with a raised brow causing taehyung to bit back a fond smile.

"You know I am gay as gay can be. It do be impossible to get her pregnant even when I am drunk plus she was faking it and was never pregnant" he chuckled as he whipped the tears that have found their way down his cheek but Jungkook still doesn't seem amused.

"And you are assumed one of the smartest doctors in this nation and you get yourself tied down with a fake pregnancy" Jungkook asked more like scolded causing Taehyung to bow his head in guilt, the older doctor has always known he was only book smart.

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