Chapter 6

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It was late afternoon Jungkook had a bit of a free time today. They had an emergency surgery in the morning which took few hours and then their rounds. He is currently at the A&E looking through patients files when a teenage boy was brought in.

Some resident doctors and nurses where trying to help the boy but he was just screaming in pain and not allowing anyone touch him. Jungkook could see the mum standing by his side yelling at the resident doctors to do something or get them a serious doctor.

Jungkook sighed before approaching the group.

"Here, let me try" he said to the doctors and nurses surrounding the boy helplessly. They gave way to him.

Jungkook could see the boy was in pure pain but there was no visible injuries in site. He took the boys hand to check his purse which was a bit fast but nothing out of the ordinary.

"Will you allow me check you, kid" he politely asked the teen who finally gave him full attention with his lower lips in-between his teeth biting back another scream of pain.

"If you let me check, I could be able to know what's wrong so we can help you stop the pain" he added which the teen quickly nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay good" he smiled at the teen before analysis his body to check for any swelling "Can you tell me where exactly it hurts?" Jungkook asked which the mum immediately responded

"He said his stomach hurts, we heard him screaming from the toilet when he was trying to defecate" the woman informed.

Jungkook already had an idea what was wrong but to confirm he pressed three of his finger into the teens lower abdomen a little right from the navel which the teen responded with a scream.

"It's appendicitis, we need to get him into surgery immediately it already at it worst stage" Jungkook informed and a nurse ran out to get the theater room ready.

"Nurse Yerim, please get him to the scan room immediately while they prepare for surgery" Jungkook said to another nurse

"Please Nurse Yeon call Dr Min and inform him about the surgery" he mentioned to the front desk nurse while other nurse scattered around with two of them pushing the boy to where we assume is the scan room

"What Surgery?" The mum asked shocked at how fast everything was going

"Yes ma, you son needs a surgery to remove the appendix" Jungkook informed her trying to walk to where he is needed

"But it just a simple stomachache why does he need surgery? Are you sure you know what you are doing? Someone call me a proper doctor" she yelled at him causing Jungkook to stop in his track dragging air into his lungs to calm his annoyance.

"This is definitely not the first time he must have complained about this pain. If we don't operate on him immediately which is a minor operation the appendix could rupture and by then we will have to remove all his organs to clean up his whole stomach to avoid infection to his other organs which is a major operation and we can only grantee a 50/50 chance" he calmly explained to the woman with raised eyebrows

He waiting for the woman to protest more so he would hand everything to the front desk to get a paper of consent from the woman saying she requested for him to hands off his son.

"I'm sorry, please carry on" the woman said in a small voice causing Jungkook to roll his eyes.

"Please head to the front desk to do the paper work while we try to save you son's life" he said before walking to the theater room

Nurse Yerim blocked him with the scan result confirming it was really appendix at it's worst stage. What about Dr Min?

"About that Dr Min is in Surgery"the nurse informed causing Jungkook to halt in his steps

"What Surgery? He had no schedule again today. How can he have surgery and I don't know about it"

"It was an assist surgery with the cardio team. They had a major transplant surgery and needed his assistant" the nurse informed

"What are we going to do? We need him here" Jungkook frowned

"Dr Min said you should do the surgery if he cannot leave the theater at any moment "

"What?!" Jungkook exclaimed, it isn't his first surgery and appendectomy is a very minor operation he can do with his eyes closed but he has never been a lead in an  operation in this hospital before. Does Dr min really trust him enough to give him an approval to operate on a patient without his supervision.

Looking through the theater glass to see everyone was ready and he couldn't prospone the surgery any longer.

He just sighed and walked into the theater to wash his hands and get kitted for the operation. When he walked into the operation room and a nurse helping him wear the gloves he noticed Dr Kim Namjoon sitting up the glass area.

So he is not operating without supervision.

He looked at all the nurses and assist doctors in the room,each giving him a nod to identify that everything is normal and in check for the operation.

"Okay, let's Beginning" he said ready to start the incision.


ee you next chapter

I purple you


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