Chapter 15

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Jungkook strolled into the hospital feeling physically fresh from the four days rest.

A lot of hospital staff were greeting him today. He isn't sure why but taking a wide guess it must have been because of the get together and them seeing being invited to the senior doctors table. Who doesn't want to know who knows the right connections.

He walked to his locker to change into his scrub but was met with a little something.

A rose flower and a chocolate.

He frowned wondering how the person got into his locked Locker. He pushed them aside and continued changing.

Getting gifts like this isn't new to him but this would be the first time he is receiving them in Korea which he didn't notice.

After changing he walked towards the schedule board to see what his team has for the day.

"Hey Dr Jeon" he heard someone call his name causing him to look toward the voice to find the ever smiling gynaecologist.

He bowed in respected as he greeted the doctor "Good morning Dr Jung"

"You need to stop greeting me like That, it makes me feel old" Hoseok complained in a whinny tone causing Jungkook to look at him in surprise before looking around to indeed find the surprising stares of others around.

"I bought this for you" he handed the younger a cup of coffee and that when Jungkook noticed he had two cups earlier.

He hesitantly collected the cup with a small thank you.

"Have a great day ahead" Hoseok patted him on the back before walking off.

Jungkook just returned to the board taking a sip of the hot coffee.

"It seems someone has caught Dr sunshine's attention" a voice said

Jungkook looked at the younger doctor not sure if he was taking to him.

"Dr Jung is the hospital sunshine" the doctor informed meanwhile Jungkook was trying to remember the doctor's name and more wondering why he was talking to him. "It's Yeonjun. I can't believe you don't know my name" the doctor now known as Yeonjun say.

"Sorry, I'm bad with names" Jungkook apologized scratching the back of his neck.

"It's okay, I haven't introduced myself personally before" Yeonjun said following Jungkook to the emergency ward to start their day before the team head comes.

"So, Dr Jung?"

Jungkook just looked at the coffee in his hand, mind going back to the flower and chocolate. Is Dr Jung hitting on him?

"He is just trying to be nice" Jungkook brushed off knowing the younger doctor is probably just looking for a story to gossip about.

"It doesn't look like that though"

Jungkook frowned at the statement wondering why he is been interrogated early this morning and was about to turn towards Yeonjun to ask him exactly that when Yoongi walked in and worked started.

After eight hours, Jungkook was back to his locker to change out of his scrub wondering why he didn't come across the raven today.

He shook the thought away reminding himself of his plans to move on.

When he opened the locker and saw the flower and chocolate again.

If Dr Jung is really hitting on him, he would consider it.

And with that thought he clocked out of duty noticing his phone ring he picked it up to hear Jimin voice.

"Hey kookie, are you done with work?"

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