Chapter 11

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Jungkook was exhausted from following the older into every shop around the mall.

The car they brought won't even be able to carry everything they have bought.

"Here, let's check this store, I need to get something for my bestie" Jungkook heard the older say bringing his attention to the store that stated 'Gucci'. They walked in and Jimin went around checking out everything.

Jungkook looked around and something caught his eyes, a shirt that had a scarf with it. 'Taehyung would have done anything to have something like this among his collection', he thought to himself as he raised his fingers to observe the fabric and of course it felt so silk and comfortable.

"It would look good on you, tho it doesn't look like your style" he heard a female voice direct at him causing him to turn around to find one the store assistant smiling professional at him.

"Oh no, it's not for me. But I know someone who would have really liked it" he said pulling away from the cloth.

"It's a limited design, it actually arrived this morning and is the only one created. If your friend likes our brand he would really be surprised and excited to have it" the sales person explained causing Jungkook to bit down on his bottom lips as he looked back at the cloth.

It's really a masterpiece and will definitely not be here in the next hour, should he get it? He thought checking out the price tag and nodded putting it back understanding why it's a limited edition. It cost a fortune.

"Oh my!" He heard Jimin exclaimed walking to him and straight to pick up the piece that Jungkook have been admiring "That duck is going to flip" he said proudly

Jungkook was shifting from one leg to the other contemplating whether to collect the piece.

"I think this sir is buying the piece Sir" both Jimin and Jungkook heard the sale person said directing at Jungkook.

"Are you getting it?' Jimin asked looking disappointed, not wanting to hand it over.

"Yes, I was just about to pay for it" Jungkook said scratching the back of his head giving an apologetic smile to Jimin who just pouted handing over the piece to the younger in slowmo probably hoping Jungkook would change his mind.

"Well come and help me pick something else" Jimin hurried, Jungkook who handed over the piece to the sales lady who collected it with a bright smile. This piece cost more than every thing Jungkook have purchased for himself today but what ever can he do?

After a couple more minutes in the store, they went to have lunch to Jungkook's relief.

"So why are you shopping in the middle of the week?" Jungkook finally broke the silence gaining the attention Jimin that was on his phone.

"It's my birthday tomorrow"Jimin said with a frown "I didn't tell you?" He asked to which Jungkook shook his head. "Oh sorry, it's my Birthday tomorrow and my boyfriend gave me his black card to get anything I want" He proudly said causing Jungkook to chulck.

"Well happy birthday in advance, what would you want? I can just get it while we are here" Jungkook said as the waiter served their lunch.

"You accompanied me here today and coming to my party tomorrow, I guess that's is more than I can ask for" Jimin said as he picked up his chopsticks to start eating.

"Party? Tomorrow?" Jungkook asked confused to which Jimin nodded as he stuff his mouth with food. "You didn't tell me anything about a party and it's quite impromptu" Jungkook argued

"Well, now you are informed" Jimin smiled at the younger "It's by 8pm at ****** tomorrow, don't be late" he added before continue stuffing his face with food.

"And I don't have a say in it?" Jungkook asked confused and Jimin nodded. 'What is wrong with Korea people, is this how they force friendship on others'. He thought remember his first meeting with taehyung too.

"Your food will get cold" Jimin said to the younger who was still looking at him. Jungkook picked up his chopsticks with a sigh, it's obvious the older was not giving him an option plus he can't really disagree when Jimin already knows his house.

Jungkook was really an introvert and does not really mix with other humans so if people don't force their way into his life like this he would ghost them till they give up. He likes his life like this but his mum is always worried so maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to finally keep a friend after two years of moving here.

"You said your boyfriend works as a doctor in my hospital, who is he?' Jungkook asked to continue the conversation

"Oh, I will introduce you to him and his gang of friends tomorrow" Jimin responded excitedly "Do you have anyone you are currently dating" he continued to ask to which Jungkook shook his head.

"Really? You look too pretty to be single" Jimin said curiously causing Jungkook to chulck.

"I wouldn't call me pretty with all this muscles"

"What do you mean? You are hot, cute, sexy and pretty all together. Now that's a whole package" Jimin defended to which Jungkook shugged

"I am serious, don't tell me no body have told you this?" Jimin asked again to which Jungkook did not respond. He really didn't care what others comment about his looks.

"Okay, let's bet. Not less than ten guys are going to walk up to you tomorrow night" Jimin said determine and Jungkook still was quiet just smiling with a shake of his head at the overly serious older.

"What are you betting for? I never told you I was into guys"

"Oh you didn't have to tell me, I know. You are too pretty to be straight. So finish up I have an outfit that just popped into my head, we need to go another round of shopping"

Jungkook groaned at the thought of walking around the mall again but most especially at how this whole conversation sounding familiar. Is it that easy for people to know he was gay.


A filler chapter.

Do you think Jimin knows about Jungkook's relationship with his best friend?

See you next chapter

I purple you


1060 words

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