Chapter 29

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Taehyung hummed softly as he moved about in the kitchen trying to make breakfast or rather a brunch as it's already 1pm.

They have both slept in after their heated section early this morning. The thought of their unholy activity earlier got Taehyung smiling sheepishly. Jungkook is still knocked out and himself only woke up few minutes ago and quickly had his bath and cleaned up the room before deciding to whip something up because the youngest would wake up very hungry.

It took him another fifteen minutes to finish the food and arrange everything in a tray without forgetting to make coffee for Jungkook.

He gently carried the tray of food up the stairs and was feeling giddy at how domestic the whole scene looked and how much he loves the feeling is beyond explanation.

When he walked into the room, the younger was still sleeping while tangled up with the sheets.

He met this angel one afternoon in a library struggling to read a wrong textbook and he couldn't help but wonder how he had escaped from heaven. Several years after that day he is graced with the beautiful sight of the same angel tangled up in his sheets.

Taehyung sat by the side of the sleeping beauty after carefully keeping aside the tray of food. He leans down and let's his slender fingers gently remove the brown bangs out of the younger's face, revealing an adorable pout and puffy squishy cheeks.

"It's time to wake up, bun" Taehyung whispered close to the others face resting his own head on his palm by the side of the sleeping male. He giggled lightly when the younger frowned and turns his body laying over his side to properly face the him with half lidded eyes and irked brows, still not wanting to wake up

"Few more minutes" Jungkook grumbled to which Taehyung grinned in adoration, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand to squish Jungkook's marshmallow cheeks between his slender fingers.

Jungkook grunt and his brows frowned deeply at the disturbance but he didn't do anything to push the older away while taking a better position to sleep off again.

"Come on, wake up already. We have a lot of plans for today" Taehyung whined, giving a light shake of Jungkook's cheeks still squishing those marshmallow cheeks causing the younger's lips to punck out like a fish and it was adorable to watch.

"I thought you said we weren't going anywhere today" Jungkook complained not wanting to open his eyes so the sleep doesn't go away.

Taehyung ignored his question and succumbed to the temptations by pressing a kiss on the younger's cute lips, lingering on them for a few seconds but pulled away when he noticed the younger wanting to kiss back.

Jungkook finally opened his eyes to meet the brown ones of his lover who was smiling so fondly at him. As much as he didn't appreciate the disturbance he couldn't complain about waking up to the sight of such a whipped and beautiful man smiling at him with so much love.

What more could he ask for?

He didn't expect this vacation because he was busy all through the holidays covering shifts after shifts after becoming a head surgeon himself it's been hellishly busy. He will continue to say he didn't see this when he was dreaming of becoming a surgeon, not having time to even go visit his parents talk more of spending time with his boyfriend is a nightmare not a dream.

So when he finally got this surprise vacation from Taehyung he couldn't be more grateful because he was on the verge of dropping the whole career.

He couldn't be more greatful for his lover, never complained about his busy schedule well, maybe because he is busy if not more busy but Taehyung always created time to enjoy the few free time he got.

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