Chapter 22

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Jungkook walked out of the administrator's office after taking an overdue decision.

He stood in front of the hospital waiting for his taxi as he didn't drive today. A Black Mercedes packed Infront of him and the window glass came down and he saw it was the blond doctor.

"Hey Kook, you didn't drive to work today?" Taehyung asked the younger one to which Jungkook nodded.

"If you don't mind Can I give you a ride. I am going towards your direction" he offered and Jungkook ignored the fact that the older knew where he stayed not seeing any valid reason coming to his head to reject the older's offer so he got into the car.

Taehyung smile at the younger accepting his offer and he started to drive as they both enjoyed having each other in the same space .

They drove in the silence till Jungkook's apartment came in view and Taehyung kinda started to panic seeing the journey was going to end.

He parked the car and walked towards the younger side to help him open the car but Jungkook had already opened the car and was walking out.

"You have a nice apartment around here" Taehyung awkwardly commented to which Jungkook nodded walking to his door not understanding why taehyung is still tailing after him.

"Thanks for the ride" he said dismissively.

But the older stood still not making any move to leave causing Jungkook to sigh and turn to him after opening his door. "Do you want to say something?"

"I wanted to check up on you?" Taehyung said

"I'm fine, thanks for checking" Jungkook walked into his apartment not sure why he left the door open for the older to walk in.

Taehyung hesitantly walked into the apartment "Can we talk?"

"We don't have anything to talk about taehyung" Jungkook cut him off. As much as he wanted to have this talk with Taehyung for real this time he doesn't know if he can manage the conversation without breaking down.

"But we have a lot of things to talk about. First of I want to really apologize for leaving the way I did, I thought it was for your own good but it seem otherwise.."

Jungkook snort at that "You were obviously think of yourself alone when you were making that decision"

Taehyung felt his heart clenched at that because he only thought of the younger when he was deciding that, which was why he almost went insane from the hurt he felt from the seperation but no body had to know that.

Jungkook suddenly pushed taehyung against the door smashing his lips on the older's. Wanting to get this one thing from taehyung before he loses him for good. He placed his fingers into the older doctor's hair tugging on them harshly as he desperately tries to kiss him harder.

Taehyung was too shocked to react but allowed the younger to have his way with him. He felt helpless because if he pushed the younger away it would make his love think he doesn't want him but he can't return the kiss because it is obvious Jungkook emotion is all over the place and would regret this later.

Jungkook pulled away with a chuckle before he let out a bitter laugh "You don't even want me in any way anymore"

"I do, I really do but..."

"Of course, you don't want to cheat on your pregnant finance" Jungkook challenged which caused Taehyung to panic hearing that Jungkook knows about Jennie's pregnancy.

"Baby, I am not...." He tried to explain how he isn't responsible

"Don't!" Jungkook cut him off but made a mistake of looking at the older and saw the same sparkle he used to see when they were so in love causing his knee to go weak and he stepped back turning his back to the older.

Why is Taehyung looking like he still loves him?!

"Why are you doing this to me" Taehyung heard the strained voice of the younger breaking his heart.

Do you know I am still madly inlove with you?" He asked and Taehyung nodded feeling his heart break more at the regretful sound of the younger confessing his love

"But Tae.. I can't keep going like this" there was a crack in his voice meaning he would start crying anytime, he can't keep having hopes that taehyung still loves him. "It hurts so bad...s-so bad I feel like ripping my heart out because of how painful it feels but you know What's the most painful part? I can't bring myself to let go of you" he was hyper ventilating at this point as he slowly turn to face the older

"I love you beyond any return Tae and it's hurts so fucking bad that I can't have you anymore" the tears stream down his eyes as he struggle to drag oxygen into his lungs. "Why! W-why does it have to be like this? Was I never good enough. Was the forever promised mean nothing, I fucking told you I would wait for you and I come to you after all this long lonely years to find out you are in the arms of another fucking person!"

"Kookie..." Taehyung tried to approach the younger not been able to watch the younger cry in front of him.

"Don't fucking come any closer!" Jungkook immediately stopped him from taking another step

"What is fucking wrong with you?! Why are coming close? To hold me? Are you fucking insane?!" Jungkook yelled out. "Don't. Please don't give me a temporary comfort. What I want is you and only you forever and if you can't give that to me please stay away and watch from distance as I slowly die from the hurt you inflicted on me" Jungkook say in a completely broken voice too exhausted to keep the anger for more than a few seconds.

"You should leave" he concluded wiping the tears flowing down his checks.

Taehyung who has been dying inside since he stepped into the house tried to explain himself to the younger one more time, tell him he never stopped loving him, that he also waited and was hoping to come back to him too till Jennie happened but watching how much he has broken his first love, he doesn't think he deserve a chance to be heard. Atleast not when he can't do anything to protect him from the harm he would cause him.

"Please. P-please Tae, just leave"

Taehyung slowly walked out the door and the door immediately closed behind him and he could hear a thump sound and a painful cry heard immediately after.

His world felt like it just stopped, he realized that he hadn't dragged in any oxygen into his lungs for a while now. He grabbed at the clothes over his heart as he struggled to breath. Nothing was working. He needed to get his car.

His steps were getting heavy, eyes blurry as he struggles to drag air into his lungs.

He dragged himself till he got to the car, he was on the verge of passing out when he got the small container, opened it and then struggling took three buff. He closed his eyes tightly as he counted the seconds his lungs used to release itself from the constriction.

By the time the first buff of air came into his lung it was a stream of tears that followed.

He cried his heart out, screamed his painful heart out wishing it could just stop beating for hurting his baby so much.

He knew he hurt the younger but he didn't imagine the younger has been hurting this whole time he assumed he had moved on.

The night heard the heart broken cry of the two past lovers, the emptiness only either of them can fill and the yearning for each other. It also witness the two pass out from exhaustion with a sworn promise.

To go back and never look back at this love and the other sworn to come back for their at any cost

Love is painful.


First loves are the most challenging and most painful ones, however the purest and most beautiful with the right ones.

Cherish it when it comes to you!


See you next chapter

I purple you!


1391 words

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