Chapter 2

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By the time Jungkook dragged himself to the front desk the next morning he was looking like a zombie from the exhaustion and probably from been under nourished from lack of food.

"You look like a dead person" nurse Yeon commented as she looked the younger from head to toe in distaste.

"I'm glad you noticed so please avoid my name from your lips today" he said with a roll of his eyes.

After clocking his name in, he dragged himself to the notice board to check the schedule he might be involved in today.

Luckily he wasn't having anything after their morning routine check till later causing him to sigh in relief. He changed into his scrubs and came out to wait for Dr Min for their morning routine check of patients.

The morning was peaceful unlike before he would hear his name been called up and down or he probably was too out of it to really realize the world around him

The routine check finished quick, he excused himself to the restroom and after easing himself he looked at the mirror as he washed his hands seeing the bags under his eyes and how slim he looked, he washed his face passing his fingers through his hair. He really should get a hair cut soon, he decided to go get breakfast.

He heard all the head doctors were having a meeting so he had time to eat his breakfast slowly.

When he finished he headed to the A&E ward to assist. It was about four hours later just two more hours for him to leave for the day when a nurse rushed in.

"The head doctors are doing rounds right now! Including doctor Kim"

At this every single person was alert and acting very professional, the front desk nurses were clearing up their desk while other moved things out of place into places and other adjusted their scrubs and coat to look smarter.

It was rare to see the head doctors doing rounds together and Also in the middle of the day. So it is understandable that everyone wanted to be in their best behavior.

Just at that moment the doctors walked in, some talking amongs themselves, some looking around. This was the class of doctors that are most respected in the nation. The best specialist you could name.

Jungkook can't wait to be good enough to belong to this particular group. It would be a dream come through.

The head doctors came in groups as they moved around and finally the group that got all the heads turning to the entrance with very high anticipation.

"He is here" one of the nurses whispered causing him to also turn to take a look of who might be exciting them and lo and behold the shock of Jungkook's life

Walking in was no other than Kim Taehyung.

The same medical student of those many years ago.

The very one he has long for the most.

His taehyung.

It seemed as if everything have been blanked out of his mind as he watched the love of his life walk into the wand.

He looked more matured but the kind of maturity that didn't age, he looks taller, shoulder broader, more fit, maybe he finally started taking workout seriously.

He imagined the older have gained six packs.

Back to his face.

Jungkook's breath got catch in his throat. Taehyung hair have returned to their black colors and well grown out.

He was obsessed with his blond hair and haven't one day stopped obsessing over it, same reason why anytime he saw a guy on blond he smiles and confirms his baby looked better.

But this, this was something else. The grown out black mullet complimented his matured look so well giving off that more dominant aura.

All for all the older looks even more beautiful than he remembered. How can that even be possible. It was hard enough to compare him before but now he just broke the scale.

It's been five years after all.

It's been five years?

Jungkook reasoned remembering how he looked this morning, dark circles and bags under his eyes, unruly hair and lost a lot of weight.

He quickly brought his hand to his hair brushing the strand with his fingers to make it a little decent.

He was opposite of the older's look after five years.

He used to be Taehyung's cute little baby but he has worked out so hard he was anything but little and cute.

And worst he wasn't even in his best shape, he had stopped working out for almost a year now.

In summary Jungkook felt and looked like a mess.

When he got back to reality, the doctors where already at their side of the wand but the only doctor he was looking at was the Raven haired.

He suddenly felt like running away from there but he can't so he just prayed that the older would not see him at least not today looking like this  but that too was impossible because the moment he looked back at the older their eyes met.

They met eyes.

It seems like time stopped as well as Jungkook's breath.

They held the gaze causing Jungkook to gulp back the urge to bit his lips in anxiousness. He was scared the older was judging his looks after five years.

Of course he would, everything taehyung complimented about him were all gone.

He held the gaze too scared to blink so he doesn't miss any reaction on the older's face.

But aside the careful look from his head to his feets and back to his face the older gave him, his eyes were completely blank causing Jungkook to gulp again.

Taehyung was always very easy to read because his eyes were so expressive but there were nothing in those eyes like they weren't the same that sparkle at seeing him.

He watched taehyung look away from him continuing the routine without the slightest reaction or sign of recognition.

Jungkook stood frozen at his spot, did the older just look past him like a total stranger. It's been five years but that wasn't enough to forget someone, right?

He willed himself to look at the direction of the doctors, watching as his Taehyung was going out of reach.

Jungkook shook the thoughts away. Was he expecting Taehyung to leap in joy at seeing him here.

His hyung was no longer a student but a senior doctor and needed to act professional.

Jungkook smiled at this, his hopes coming back in full fold. He felt like squealing so hard.

He finally met Taehyung after all this year's.


Any thoughts?

I purple you.


1124 words

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