Chapter 14

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Jungkook sneaked out of school as he looked around to be sure he wouldn't come across the blond haired male.

It's been two months since taehyung confessed to him at the cafeteria and he doesn't know why he has been hiding away from him, taehyung would drop bunch of chocolate and flowers with a note in his locker stating that he will wait for him at the gate after school.

Jungkook didn't eat any of the chocolates but he didn't throw them away either hence why his fridge is stock with chocolate of different shape and size. He doesn't use the library anymore. He leave school early to avoid stumbling upon the older on his way home.

But today he was just unlucky, the pratical class took longer than anticipated and here he was looking around to spot the older so he knows which other way to take. Ask him why he was avoiding Taehyung?  Jungkook has no idea. If he doesn't want to date him he should just outrightly reject him right? but no.

"Is there someone you are trying to avoid?"

Jungkook heard the deep voice ask just behind him startling the day light out of him causing him to flinched missing a footing and his ass hitting the ground hard. He groaned at the impact but quickly shook it off looking up at the blond male who was staring down at him with a hand stretch out to help him up.

He mumbled a thank you taking the helping hand.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung required to which Jungkook nodded to.

They started walking out of the school towards the parking lots in silence before taehyung spoke "I almost thought you have transferred schools because I would always wait for you after school but never see you and you no longer come to the library"

Jungkook did not respond just looking at his shoes as they walked but taehyung suddenly stopped walking and asked "Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm N-Not" Jungkook mumbled looking up at him seeing the older's sad expression causing him to feel guilty.

"I really like you Jungkook but if you are uncomfortable with my approach you can always tell me"

"N-No, I'm not uncomfortable"

"Do you not like me back?" Taehyung asked "No, don't answer that. Am I rushing you with my advances?" He hurriedly added to which Jungkook shook his head. "Or Are you not into guys?"

"Thats not it" Jungkook answered sincerely

They both heard a car door open causing them to look meeting with Taehyuny's butler opening the car for him.

"Would you mind if I offer to drop you off?" Taehyung asked

Jungkook shifted his weight from foot to foot contemplating if he should just reject the offer and go catch the bus instead but upon seeing the older's sad face he just nodded walking into the car.

A happy taehyung hopped into the car after the younger.

Jungkook looked out into empty space as he reminisce on the casual conversation he had with taehyung last night. He sounded very happy and obviously have moved on.

He can't really blame the older when it's been 5 years. No one would be stupid enough to wait for a lover they weren't in contact with for that long.

But of course Jungkook was stupid.

He squeezed his eyes shut bringing his hand to fist his shirt over his chest.

Why does it still hurt so bad? Why was his stupid Heart still not want to move on?

The older has moved on, it is time to move on too, he scolded his stupid heart. His thought and his brain went blank, strength drained from his muscle in the next second.

How was he suppose to move on right now? 8 years of dedicating his heart, mind, soul and body to one person.

It's not that he didn't try to date after the older left, he tried with both genders but girls were just not for him and other guys are just not pleasing to be with, that was when he knew he was tae-sexual.

His whole being longs for the older and it scary how his mind is insisting for him to be happy for the older and move on but his heart was still bleeding.

He managed to get up from his bed heading to shower to freshen up.

As the warm water poured down his muscle, his mind went back to where it shouldn't be going to.

"You have a very beautiful body bun" Jungkook heard the older say as he hug him from behind under the warm shower leaving gentle kiss on his shoulders.

"You have said that a million time already, ain't you bored if it yet" Jungkook chulcked feeling the older's hands roaming over his naked body.

"I can never get bored of you baby. I'm so lucky to have you as mine" the older added turning the younger to him

Jungkook looked at the older's brown eyes feeling all the love the world as to offer. He joined their lips together in a gentle kiss to which the older allowed him lead the kiss.

Taehyung never miss an opportunity to compliment the younger, be it in his studies, his painting, his smile, pout, laugh, even the way he walked, then in the bedroom, in the shower. The older was obsessed with the younger's body and Jungkook was obsesed with the older's obsession of his body.

Jungkook never was never interested in dating anyone in his life but loving taehyung had opened him to a world of beautiful emotions.

Jungkook was the type of person that was part of the few people that was not attracted to anyone, be it just casual feels or sexually but then taehyung happened. This must be why it was impossible to move on because he can't replace the emptiness with another.

He could feel the warm tears run down his eyes as the shower washed them away. It will be better to move on even if it was impossible atleast let him give it another try, maybe try other people out. Even if it just getting laid maybe it would Chanel his energy and emotion some where else.

Sorry for the late update.

I will work on this book more now


I purple y'all


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