Chapter 9

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Jungkook drags himself to the cafeteria to get breakfast. He took an empty table as he slowly ate.

"Hey, can I join you" he heard causing him to raise his head to the face the owner of the voice.

Not wanting to be rude he just nodded his head as a gesture that the other could sit as he continued eating trying to not mind the presence of a stranger in front of him.

"You seem new here" the stranger said to which Jungkook furrowed his brows as to why is he been talked to still

"Sorry, I'm Jimin. Waiting for my boyfriend who is a surgeon here. I'm asking if you are new because I am frequent here and know almost all the doctors here" the stranger who is Jimin said expectantly

"Started two months ago" Jungkook responded not raising his face from the food.

"Your Korea is not very clear, you didn't grow up here?" Jimin asked which Jungkook nodded his head as a yes.

"Hope I'm not been a disturb to you. I just like to know everybody I see" Jimin asked

"It's okay, I don't have much people to talk to here so"

"Really? You don't have friends here? Can we be friends then. Trust me you won't regret it"

Jungkook looked at the overly excited male stretching out his hand in demand for his phone. It's totally weird to Jungkook for someone to just walk up to another demanding to be friends but still pulled out his phone handing it over to him. There is no harm in making a friend or two, this place was already getting boring.

"That's my number, I will hit you later. Hope you are down to hang out anytime"

"Well, not really but I will keep you posted"

"That's fine, oh his here. See you later..?"

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook"

"It was nice to meet you Jungkook, see you around" jimin greeted as he stood up walking towards his boyfriend Jungkook assumed.

Jungkook sighed it's not like he will have time to hang out with his schedule.  he checked his phone and just then a mail popped up from the hospital management.

He opened it to read through and was shocked and confused as to why he was suddenly getting a change of shift.

He however hurried up from his table heading towards the locker room seeing that the off shift is starting today.

Jungkook got home in the next two hours, he needed to hand over his patients to another doctor and stopped by at the supermarket to get groceries more like junks for his empty apartment.

Immediately he finished showering and eating he climbed into his super soft and comfortable bed.

Now he will have time to think about his life he thought as sleep took over his senses.

"I can't believe you would allow a doctor under you work himself to death" taehyung immediately attacked Yoongi who just walked into his office.

"You think if I had the power to utter shifts you would see me here right now" Yoongi yawned as he took a seat in front of the younger. "I heard you have been re analysing the residents doctors resume?" He asked.

Taehyung nodded to his statement as he passed an ipad to the surgeon.

"It's barely a week you arrived and you are already putting fire in everyone's ass" Yoongi chulcked as he collected the iPad to see what the younger invited him to his office for.

"We are dealing with lives hyung. Incompetence is not permitted" he said to a Yoongi who was looking through the documents he was handed.

"I see you are making great progress in this" he commented

"Yes, it's at its final stage, the prototypes were a success. We want to start using it and I need you expertise to aid my team"

"It's really a great invention. Has Namjoon seen this?" He asked to which Taehyung nodded.

"Okay, just email me the details so I can look it up more before the team starts the experiment"

"Oh thank you. Will be looking forward to working with you"

"Good, you should be honored" Yoongi said to which Taehyung rolled his eyes at.

"That been cleared, what's up with you? You didn't keep in touch for the last two years only to return with an engagement news" he older asked

"It's a long story hyung" the younger said fumbling with papers on his desk obviously not comfortable talking about it.

Yoongi studied the young doctor noticing the discomfort the conversation was bringing. "Least I forget, this weekend is Jimin's birthday and he is planning an outing with everyone"

"You know I'm super busy..."

"Don't say that to me, He is your best friend not mine tell him yourself. He is still mad that we didn't invite him for the welcome dinner party we had. Anyway I'm off to take a nap before my next surgery starts" he said walking out of the office.

Taehyung looked at the calendar on his desk and then his schedule, there was an early surgery on that day meaning he could make it but he still had a lot to do.

He picked up his phone to call the older, he waited for the phone to be picked up.

"Hey Chim" he greeted into the phone immediately it was picked from the other end.


see you next chapter

I purple you


909 words

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