Chapter 23

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Taehyung dragged his exhausted body into the Kim's Mansion. He thinks this was it, he has lost Jungkook forever.

He just has to live with the emptiness in his haert for lossing the love of his life, his soulmate.

It's crazy how we spend all our life looking for the perfect one and here he is sacrificing his for....

"Mr Kim, I can't keep doing this!"

The sudden voice caused him to halt in his step and frown as he recognized the annoying model's voice

"Watch your tone with me young lady" the deep voice of his father spoke up causing him to roll his eyes as he just hoped to get to his room without them noticing him but froze in his step at the next words.

"What do you mean about my tone, you are making me fake a pregnancy to tie your son who has no slight interest in me. If you can't arrange our marriage immediately then I will be calling this off because my reputation is on the line Mr Kim!"

"Oh please shush..."

"Fake pregnancy?" Taehyung walked in on them in utter shock and dislief at his father

"Hey Tae..."

"You. get out!" Taehyung said to the model as he kept glaring at his father. When he didn't see the girl moving he turned to her "Don't make me repeat myself" he said in a very deadly tone because if she tests his limit he just might forget all his principles and pull her by the hair to drag her out.

Jennie stomped her walking out of the house before Taehyung turned back to his father

"Son?..." Mr Kim tried to calmly approach his son but got startled when the doctor started laughing loudly holding his tummy.

Taehyung laughed with no single humor in the sound and after a few minutes of calming down.

"You know, I am not even surprised, I just can't believe I was such a fool to have believed you after what you pulled back then..."

"I am only doing what is good for you son" Mr Kim cut him off before taking a seat on one of the couch

"What you think is good for me have only made me more miserable but I know you don't care as long as your political reputation is not harmed but then again we had an agreement so why did you have to stoop so low as faking a pregnancy and forcing it on me. No wonder you refused to hear me out when it happened and you were bent on forcing me to marry her in the name of protecting your reputation"

"What did you expect me to do when I heard your past lover came looking for you like a lost puppy...."


"I will talk about whoever I want however I want kid!" Mr Kim yelled back with a challenging glare "That kid was the reason for all this in the first place, your attitude. I allowed you to study medicine because you wanted to run your late mother's hospital and pursue your research only for you to get attached to a little boy and was planning on changing your whole dream for him"

"But you are okay with Namjoon hyung marrying a ma...."

"He is not my fucking son! You are. Stop comparing the two of you. You should be very grateful I kept my promise not to get rid of that boy when I found out..."

"There is nothing to be grateful for because I already broke him with my own hands just because you promised to not bring any harm to him. Are you not satisfied! You won the election last year as agreed! What else do you want from you"

"I need you to marry Jennie, her family's reputation will empower you in the future "

At this point, Taehyung was too exhausted about this argument but what's even was the point right now when he has no chance with Jungkook, plus he doesn't even wish to drag the younger into this life of dirty political power. He just turned around to walk to his room

"Oh please stop been such a child and marry Jennie, her family has a very good reputation which will help you in the future and don't make me have to take back my words about getting rid of that boy" Mr Kim threathen causing Taehyung halt in his step.

The doctor walked slowly and calmly to his father and stood in front of him, the exhaustion totally gone from his face as he stared his father straight in the eyes.

"I dare you to threaten me with him one more time! You think I am still that naive kid you manipulated five years ago"

"You are nothing Kid. I built you and can break you" Mr Kim challenged back hoping to see the little scared kid but taehyung smirked instead.

"Try me. And see who is going to break who. I will advise you to not take advantage of my respect for you as a father to threaten him once again because I won't hesitate to show you why you spend your entire life investing into me" Taehyung said with no waiver in his voice or any hesitation in his eyes cocking his head to the side to be sure his threat was clear.

He glared at his father one more time before walking towards the staircase going to his room but halt and then turn towards his father again "And tell that bitch of yours to never come close to me or I will kill her and frame her death on you" he said before walking upstairs to his room

Mr Kim stared in horror at who is suppose to be his son because that was a monster. He has always known Taehyung was a wild beast tamed in a nerd body who can accomplish anything he determines to do hence why he took advantage of it but he never imagined he would be unlocking the beast on himself and all this is because of that boy!.

Taehyung walked into his room and immediately called Jimin asking him to please go to Jungkook's and look after him as he left him crying.

He called up Mr Yung asking him please watch Jungkook's apartment.

He wasn't joking about his threat to his dad but he most definitely doesn't want to take any chances because he will bring down the world if anything happens to Jungkook but he would also do anything to avoid anything from happening to him in the first place because he isn't sure what he would do with himself if anything does happen to him.

He needed to talk to his hyung.



See you next chapter

I purple you


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