Chapter 10

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"I'm glad you decided to take my advice" Jungkook heard an oddly familiar voice address to him. He lifted his head to meet a blond haired male look at him. He tinted his head to the side not sure he recognize who the male is or why he was talking to him.

"Don't pretend you don't remember me" the blond male mentioned pointing at the essential textbook he was reading and it seem to click to Jungkook, it was the senior that adviced him.

"It seems you remember?" The blond stated as he took the seat in front of Jungkook. "How do you see the text book? It's better that the other one right?"

Jungkook just nodded before going back to his book

"You look too young to be in medical school" taehyung broke the silent after a few minutes causing Jungkook to close his eyes in frustration. He can't concentrate with music if not this would have been the best time to block his ears.

"What area of medicine are you studying" the older asked again

"General surgery and you don't look older than me, stop saying I'm too young" Jungkook responded without looking up from his book. He had been reading the same line since the older appeared.

"I'm 18 and in my third year as a cardiology student and of course I'm older than you. You look 14" taehyung said causing Jungkook to roll his eyes.

"For your information Mr cardiologist, I'm 16, a year older than you when you were in first year" Jungkook said standing up from his seat as he gathered his books walking away to find a more quiet area

Jungkook groaned at the loud ringing of his phone wishing he can just throw it across the road to make it stop.

He turned the other direction pulling a pillow to cover his head probably to block away the sound but it was to no avail. He gave up on the third ring wondering who might be unstop calling at this early hour.

He finally found the phone by the bedside picking it up and placing the phone over his ears without looking at the caller id waiting for the person to speak or he will just fall back asleep

"Hello?" Came the high pitch unfamiliar male voice.

He tried to clear his voice to be able to sound normal and less asleep not recognizing the owner of the phone.

"This is Jungkook right?" He heard again causing him to pull the phone off his ear peeking one eye slightly open to look at the id but it was unsaved.

"Yes? Who is this" he asked into the phone.

"Oh, thank goodness, I thought you gave me the wrong number" came the unfamiliar voice yet again causing Jungkook to frown "It's me Jimin, the guy you gave your number at the hospital cafeteria two days ago"

Two days ago?

Jungkook tried to use his sleepy brain which luckily remember the pretty male that was dating a doctor in their hospital but all the sleep disappeared from his eyes when his brain catch the 2days.

It's been two days I have been sleeping?!

"Are you there?" Jimin asked from the other side of the phone bringing the younger back to the call

"Yeah, yes. How are you Jimin"

"I am okay, hope I didn't call at the wrong time" the older asked.

"No it's fine actually, I needed to wake up from my mini coma" he said the last part in his head

"Okay good, Do you stay around the hospital? If you don't mind me asking"

"H-huh, not really. I stay around the main city. Why do you ask?" Jungkook responded sitting up from the bed feeling his body aching all over

"Oh it's nothing, Just that I needed to go shopping with someone, was wondering if we could go together. I heard from the front desk that you were off today"

Do they give out s-such information at the hospital Jungkook wondered and why is Jimin asking a complete stranger to accompany him to shopping.

"Sorry, I don't think I can make it today" He politely declined but it seem to have gone on a deaf ear when the older asked his next question.

"Oh, I just happen to bust out at the main city, where is your apartment, I can just pick you up"

"What? You are coming here?" Jungkook asked with a frown, I doesn't like people intruding into his privacy.

"Yea, hurry with the address before I drive pass it" the older hurried causiing Jungkook to sigh already regretting his decision of giving his number to the other.

He pull the phone off his ear typing the address to the older through text so he can follow the map.

"I just texted it to you" he informed

"Oh, okay. I'm close by. Will be there in 2 minutes" he said before hanging up and Jungkook sighed falling back into his bed.

His head was blank before standing up to brush his mouth. He walked into his bathroom seeing his disheveled hair and swollen face from all the sleeping.

He had immediately fallen asleep when he got back two days ago after eating but he can't believe he slept all through yesterday. He raised his phone to see it was 10am which will make it almost 48 hours of sleep.

He does feel a little refreshed but still tired. Did he even wake up to pee at all, he tried to search through his memory when he heard the door bell ring.

He walked out of the bathroom through his room to the sitting room area bare chest, feets and a brush in his mouth.

When he opened the door it was indeed Jimin who looked him up and door before inviting himself inside.

Jungkook signaled him to have a seat walking back to the bedroom to finish with his morning routine.

After about twenty minutes, Jungkook was out freshened up with clean clothes, hair ready to accompany the older.

Jimin who have been quietly sitting on a couch while silently admiringly the neat apartment of the younger.

"Hope I am not obstructing your plans for today" Jimin asked seeing the younger didn't look like he was planning to leave the four corner of his house in the next week.

"It's totally okay, I need to get some outfit too. Please let's get some breakfast before heading to the mall" Jungkook said directing the older to the door, locking it after himself

"I will drive" Jimin said pointing that he drove here. Jungkook just nodded not even feeling like driving.


Sorry for the slow update.

Who have slept like this before?

See you next chapter

I purple you


1127 words

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