Chapter 7

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It's was pasted 8pm Taehyung concluded his first surgery of his return. They just couldn't wait for him to arrive to bombard him with surgeries after surgeries. Just like this annoying assistant doctor blabbing about his upcoming schedule. The only thing he could pick from his blabbing was the fact that he had another surgery tonight.

He rubbed the back of his neck with his palm trying to smoothen the sourness.

He was at the emergency wand to check on a patient diagnosed with a condition of the heart when he spotted someone causing him to halt in his steps.

When he looked closer he confirmed it was the younger, he would never mistake his back for anything.

He saw the way the younger was leaning on the front desk half asleep going through some files.

"I thought the general surgeon team had a surgery earlier?" He asked his assistant

"Yes sir, why?"

"They had one this morning and one the day before and the day before that. Am I right?"

"Y-yes Sir" the assistant answered not very sure as he stroll through his tablet to confirm

"So can you explain why one of the team members is still on duty at this hour of the night" he asked directing at the younger leaning on the front desk almost falling asleep.

"His duty was over since 6pm but I think he operated on a patient today and is waiting fir him to wake up"

Taehyung looked up at the younger once again before sighing and walking the opposite direction.

"Get the shift planner and Dr Jeon's file to my office" he instructed.

Jungkook was resting his head on the hospital bed of the teen. He had fallen asleep while monitoring the kid.

This was his first surgery here and doesn't want to leave it to any nurse to monitor the patient. He just needed to monitor the kids urine, blood pressure and for him to wake up which he should have woken up about four hours ago but he was still unconscious.

The surgery went very well even Dr Min who later came to check on the patient before leaving confirmed the teen was in good shape so why wasn't he waking up.

"Dr Jeon?" One of the nurse called out to him causing him to wake up suddenly from his sleep looking around at where he was before facing the nurse who gave him a weak smile.

"Why don't you go up to the doctor's quarters and get a proper rest while I look after the patient" she volunteered but Jungkook shook his head in disagreement.

"I want to be here when he wakes so I can take all the vitals myself to be sure he is complete safe before leaving. Thank you by way"

The nurse bowed before leaving him there. Jungkook checked the machines again and everything is still okay. He sighed standing up to go get coffee.

He checked his watch and saw that it was already 1am and he was on shift tomorrow too. He has to go to the shift planners office tomorrow to insist again for nth time for them to give him a normal shift. It isn't his problem that they are short of experienced resident surgeons.

But he has explained everything he could already but that lady just seem to be doing this on purpose to him.

He waited for the brewing machine to prepare his drink as he thought about how his shift would be the next day which was already today. So he dragged himself to the schedule board as he went through it seeing there is two surgeries for his team causing him to sigh atleast they both were scheduled for late afternoon giving him enough time to rest. There will be no need to go home, he will just sleep and change in the doctors quarter later.

As he looked through the other schedule he noticed a surgery was going on. A major heart surgery carried out by Dr Kim's team. He looked towards the area of the theater.

"He had always been a workaholic" he chulcked to himself before it turned into a sad smile.

The memories of their students days came flooding through his mind. He sat on the floor resting his back and head on the wall reminiscing on those memories that bring ease to his aching heart.

Taehyung said he choose this field because he lost his mum to a heart disease, they couldn't find a donor. So he sworn to find a way to create an artificial heart and make it work. He wonders if the older still had those dreams.

They had agree to make the research together and be the first to invert an artificial heart that would work in place of the human heart.

Taehyung was the bubbling one among the two of them back then, always showing up in his room with loads of snacks and movies for them to watch during their free time but during exams he is no where to be found. He would find a place to hide while he reads hence why he was one of the brightest student of his set. Jungkook always looked up to him, he read harder to pass better just to impress the older which the older always rewarded him for every flying colors he got.

He seem to have changed so much probably became he got more matured.



I purple you


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