Chapter 21

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Jimin walked into the apartments feeling drained both emotionally and physically.

Having to console two heartbroken people in a day is  emotionally exhausting and the worst is this pain could be avoided .

"Hey babe" Jimin jumped at the voice turning around to find his boyfriend sitting on his conch with a raised brow.

"You scared me hyung" he complained bringing his palm to his rapid beating heart, he was not expecting anyone in his apartment.

"Sorry?" The doctor said more like asked if he should be sorry watching as Jimin walked into the kitchen to get something to drink then returning to him not wasting time at opening his arm when the younger crawled into his embrace.

"You look exhausted" he said while massaging the younger's nap earning a relieved sigh. "Coming from Tae's place?"

Jimin was quiet for a while before he said in a broken voice "He was crying again" Yoongi sighed at the information, this have been reoccurring since Jimin's birthday and the two best friends have not said anything about it.

"Don't you think it's time to share what's bothering him, I know you guys are trying to keep it a secret but it's becoming a reason for concern if he keeps crying every time and coming to the hospital like nothing of such is going on in his life"

Jimin was quiet smuggling closer to his boyfriend contemplating whether to tell the older but decided no harm could be there in sharing it.

"You know Jungkook, the doctor practicing under you?" He asked to which Yoongi hummed as he continued to massage the youngers shoulders encouraging him to go on.

"He and Taehyung used to date back in Europe for about three years before taehyung returned to Seoul after breaking up with him. You know how taehyung is a workaholics and never had time to hang out that was him trying to bury is heartbreak with work" he said hearing Yoongi sigh

"Let me guess. He said he broke up with Jungkook because he wanted the younger to not be distracted from his studies" Yoongi asked to which Jimin nodded against his chest

"Jungkook came to Seoul in search of Tae after his studies and the whole issue with Jennie being engaged to Taehyung happened leaving the poor boy heart broken after five long years of waiting meanwhile Taehyung just found out the younger hadn't moved on from him which is why this is happening"

"I know Taehyung doesn't love that model and from how he has been crying knowing Jungkook hasn't moved on from him shows he still loves the younger so what exactly is happening?" Yoongi asked to which the younger kept quiet for a while.

"Jennie is pregnant" he informed and waited for the older's reaction.

"Okay, I didn't expect that" Yoongi said a little surprised at the information. Well that would the reason for the sudden engagement.

"But Tae is not resposible for it" Jimin quickly added in defence of his best friend

"So what's the problem then? If taehyung is not responsible why is he getting tired down by it"

"That's because they can't proof that the child isn't Taehyung's till she gives birth" Jimin sighed feeling a little relieved sharing this with Yoongi

"Is taehyung stupid or doesn't he know you can run a DNA test while she is still pregnant"

"He knows but the Jennie said she doesn't want any harn to come to her or baby by going through that procedure so they have no choice but to wait till she gives birth"

"It's has no risk to both mother and child as long as the pregnancy is within 9 weeks" Yoongi protested

"But Jennie refused to try and we can't force her to do the test because it would be illegal to impose sure procedures without consent. I would have tied her to a bed and insist on the test, Plus Mr Kim is seriously backing her up"

"Mr Kim?" Yoongi asked which Jimin nodded.

It was silent for a while before Jimin spoke up again "You know I told Tae to just approach Jungkook and tell him everything but the truth is we are only 99% sure that taehyung is not responsible for the pregnancy, the other 1% is because taehyung was drunk that night even if he could swear with his gay ass that nothing happened we can't be 100% sure"

"And his father is backing her up because of his political reputation?" Yoongi asked as if trying to connect dots

"Yea, If not she could have been a baby mama if It so happened that the baby is Taehyung's" Jimin said feel bad for the lovers that can't be together

"It's really sad. I can remember how happy Taehyung was the night he found out Jungkook was in Seoul only for him to return with a painful news"

But yoongi is on to something else


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I welcome all your reactions, the angry, sad and curious ones. hope to see more

See you next chapter

I purple you


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