Chapter 27

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Taehyung rushed into the A&E ward of the general hospital still on the phone trying to organize a transport system to get Jungkook transferred to their hospital if it can be helped and every surgeon to be on standby for surgery.

Few minutes ago he really got an attack which his inhaler was not helping him get out of but he snapped out of it when he heard in the younger's voice.

"I refuse to leave us to fate"

And a drag of air was forced into his lungs causing his brain to clear up and he drove straight to the hospital furiously whipping his tears.

This wasn't the time for him to be wallowing in regrets and selfhate. The least he can do is make sure Jungkook survies this.

He walked to the reception to ask for the patient that was rushed in but he halt in his steps when it seems he was hallucinating.

Because the back of the person he sees right now cannot be mistaken for someone else. He held is breath in fear of the figure disappearing if it is truly his imagination.

He should get the person's attention to see his face but his muscles can't seem to move been frozen from fear of the image disappearing if he makes any sudden moves.

Then suddenly as if in slow motion the figure started turning around and their eyes met.

It is him!

He could never mistake those eyes for another. His legs were about to give up on him at the heavy breath of relief that came into his lungs.

"Taehyung?" The surprised voice of the younger asked and Taehyung didn't know how the strength was regained to his muscles as he runs into this angels arms and started crying out loudly.

Jungkook returned the hug tightly not completely sure why the older was crying but taehyung just cried his soul out on his shoulders as he held him tightly to his body.

After long minutes of the older crying his heart out in the middle of the Accident & emergency ward. He calmed down and explained how he thought Jungkook was dying in the surgery room.

Jungkook explained that he was at the accident scene but nothing happened to their car and had rushed down to the hospital with the ambulance after giving the patient first aid.

They later found out Jungkook's things were seen at the accident scene and thought it was the patient.

How did she not see the picture in the ID card was Jungkook but went ahead to assume it was Jungkook that was dying.

Taehyung had threatened to sue her but apologized when Jungkook disapproved.


They drove in silent but with content smiles on their faces and heart.

Jungkook felt so warm in his heart at the older's worry for him to breakdown in public like that. Taehyung is a well recognized doctor in Seoul and even before that he is someone who likes to hold his image strong in public to see him crying for him in public like that was way too moving.

He crawled his hands subtly hooking his pinky finger with taehyung's wanting to feeling his warmth again but not wanting to push to much seeing they just got back together.

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