Chapters 32 (W)

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Wedding day...

Taehyung stood nervously at the altar. He doesn't know why he is so nervous to the point his hands were a little shaky. Okay, he is scared.

Scared that all of this is a dream and he would wake up anytime now to realize his angel was still no longer his.

He felt a hand on his back and his brother's voice asking him to calm down.

He sighed, closing his eyes for a second to calm his nerves. He always thought it was ridiculous for wedding couples to be so nervous on their wedding day but he can understand why.

He opened his eyes and kept them at the door in anticipation of his soon to be husband.

The wedding is currently been held in the country they met. Jungkook's both parents were seated in front role, there were very few guest. Strictly family and very close friends.

No. Taehyung's father was not invited and none of them know his whereabout after Taehyung threaten to tarnish his political image.

The cardio doctor adjusted his tie and suit to be able to breathe properly and just then the second groom was announced.

Taehyung kept his gaze at the door not even blinking awaiting his angel and there he was slowly walking in majestically in his all white designers suit.

The breath were knocked out of the older's lungs at the sight of his beloved. The tiny cute angel he met one afternoon and thought he hasn't seen anyone more beautiful and he still hasn't seen anyone more beautiful. Forget that bullshit about beauty is in the eyes of the beholder because his angel is the prettiest in the world not just his eyes.

And yes, this angel was going to become his husband today.

Their eyes finally met and Taehyung finally shakily exhaled the air he didn't know he was holding in.

Jungkook blushed at the intense gaze directed at him from Taehyung who couldn't blink like literally couldn't blink his eyes.

What could have truly become of him if Jungkook did not wait. Of course he planned to go and look for him later but what if he didn't wait.

What did he actually ever do to have deserved a second chance from this beautiful man.

His eyes were already getting cloudy with tears. He can't believe this was actually happening. The tears rolled down his cheeks still he doesn't blink.

He saw how Jungkook's eyes softened at the sight of his tears causing him to chuckle and he quickly wiped his tears not to worry his angel.

"You are so beautiful" he blunted out not able to hold back immediately the younger took his stand in front of him earning an awwee from the crowd.

Jungkook blushed at the comment and the cheering crowd taking a quick peek at his parents who seem pleased at the comment as well.

"You ready?" Taehyung asked as the person officiating the wedding got ready to begin.


So the ceremony started and Taehyung probably didn't hear half of it as he focused on staring at his flustered husband well 'soon to be'

"Now for the vows. I believe both couples have their vows?" The official asked and they both nodded.

Jungkook brought out a piece of paper from his jacket to read the vows he spent days and night creating.


aehyung nodded to every sentence with a proud smile on his face fighting the urge to cry out of joy and kiss all over the younger face.

"Okay, your turn Mr Kim"

"Okay." Taehyung nervously exhaled bringing his notes out as well. A vow is a promise/convenant they are making in front of all the people they love and of course it should be professional and not just words rambling out of their mouth but as taehyung stared at the piece of paper for a long second he realized how his feelings are different from when he was writing this vows.

He placed the paper back into his jacket and looked up at his angel who was a little confused.

"I want to say everything I feel at the moment not what I felt a few days ago while writing that, plus I can not top your vow" he chuckled and the crowned busted into a fit of laughter.

"Okay" Jungkook encouraged with a proud smile.

"First of, I love you so much. Watching you walk down the aisle made me realize how blessed I am for scoring you. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen and your smile is the best thing that has happened to this world" he said in one breath and the crowd chuckled

"I vow to always make you happy, the only time you will be allowed to cry if it's for joy, excitement or from pleasure"

The crowd roared and Jimin's voice was on top of them.

"I vow to be your stronghold even when I am old and wrinkled and can barely stand on my own two legs, I will crawl to you"

"I promise to bring the world to your feet, whatever money can buy and my hands can touch"

"I love you, I will love you forever and I can't even promise to stop after death because I would patiently wait for you in the afterlife so yes you stuck with me forever my love"

"Finally, I love you so much and promise to continue to love you forever as your husband"

Jungkook smiling through his tears nodded nonstop at the vow and the crowd erupted in another loud clap and howling.

Taehyung had to will himself from pulling the younger into his arms as they impatiently waited for the declaration.

The official kept saying some stuff which they didn't pay attention to till he finally mentioned.

"I now you pronounce you Husbands. You may now complete this Union with a kiss"

They both met half way as they smashed their lips together and the crowd erupted in another round of clapping and howling. Well the howling was mosting from Jimin and hoseok as a backup.

"Leave some for later" Namjoon whispered behind the couple who had forgotten they were in front of a crowd.

They pulled away and bowed in appreciation to the guest.

"We are married!" Jungkook yelled in joy to which his parents chuckled in responses while every other persons laughed at the overly excited younger.

"Yes, we are" Taehyung pulled him closer to leave a quick peck on his lips

"Marriage is another chapter of their love story. A story that almost ended prematurely but when two souls are bound together, it will not even take death to tear them apart"

The end.


Finally the end of Doctors!

Thank you all for 30k reads!!!!

Thank you all for making it through this emotional rollercoaster journey.

Love is a beautiful thing and just like gold it has to go through alot to show it's worth.

I love y'all and hope to see you in my next book!


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