Chapter 13

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It's been two hours since the raven showed up at the club. He was sitting with his hyungs on the couch area sipping on a soft drink as they exchanged few words over the loud blasting music.

Jimin had pulled Jungkook into the dance floor against the younger's protest. Jungkook really wanted to get away from there, maybe run into his car and cry his heart out but his new friend had other plans. After several minutes of Jimin persistence on the dance floor, he downed two more shot of whiskey allowing the intoxicating substance numb all his senses as he danced his sorrow away.

After an hour and several shot later every thought of his broken heart was temporarily forgotten all thanks to the toxic substances that's probably doing more harm than good to his body. He just felt giddy as he danced with Jimin and hoseok who had joined them on the dance floor

"It seems your boyfriend is already drunk" hosoek who was dancing with the other two walked him annocing to Yoongi who looked into the crowd of dancing drunk bodies to find his boyfriend before standing up.

"You are already drunk yourself, Namjoon said standing up as he pulled his sleepy husband with him "Tae, I will be leaving now" he informed before walking out of the place.

Yoongi soon returned with a Jimin clinging on him totally drunk out of his senses. Taehyung only chuckled at his bestie before averting his eyes back to Jungkook who have been left alone on the dance floor. He observed the younger's movement.

It was obvious Jungkook was drunk too because he was grinding and dancing with everybody that came up to him. Taehyung wasn't comfortable with the sight but of course Jungkook was old enough to take care of himself, he thought but still not taking his eyes off the younger

After a while, he noticed a guy has come to dance with Jungkook pushing every other person away, taehyung watched with an irritated expression as the male held Jungkook too close to his body, hands on his hips which were traveling to the younger's ass causing taehyung to look away.

He got up ready to leave after saying farewell to Yoongi because both Jimin and hoseok were passed out on the couch. He eyes went back to the dance floor in search of the younger maybe he should send him home before he leaves.

But he couldn't find Jungkook on the dance floor causing him to panic. He looked frantically walking into the dance floor in search of a male in all black.

Luckily his eyes catch the younger been pulled out of the club causing him to rush towards them.

He quickly pulled Jungkook away from the strangers arms, now he wasn't sure if the younger knew the guy, could be his boyfriend but right now he doesn't feel comfortable allowing the younger leave the club with someone he might not know in his current state.

"Hey man! He is with me. Find yourself another person" the man growled at him.

"Where do you think you are taking a drunk person to?" Taehyung asked sending the male a glare.

"How sure are we that he knows you either" the male retaliated irritated at someone spoiling his fun night with the pretty angel

"If you don't scram right now, it will be the police you will be explaining this to" taehyung said before lifting Jungkook into his arms in a bridal style noticing the younger have added a good amount of weight as he walked out of the club to his car.

"Yay! W-where aaaa y-you takinnng me tooo?!"Jungkook said words falling on each other as he felt himself been lifted off his feet but still held the older's neck tightly.

"Home" taehyung said putting the younger into the passengers seats not sure if he will be able to get the younger's address from him In this state.

"I-I c-cannnnt go home with a strangerr" the younger protested but muscles completely relax, what alcohol can do to some people.

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